The Symbol Of Life In 'Car Crash While Hitchhiking'

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In “Car Crash while Hitchhiking,” the baby in the back seat of the car with the narrator really caught my attention. Both the narrator and the baby survived the crash unharmed, and when the driver woke up, the narrator told him that the baby was fine although he “had no idea how the baby was,” (Johnson 4). I think the baby can be looked at as a symbol of life in the story; the narrator isn’t sure if the baby is okay in a literal sense, but he also isn’t sure about his own life. Just like when the doctor asked if he was hearing any voices he said “not exactly,” (8) although he heard a box of cotton calling out to God. When the doctor asked what he meant, he said “I'm not ready to go into all that;" (8) I think that the voice from cotton box

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