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“Do animals have emotions?” When animal lovers and pet owners are asked this question, the answer is a quick and definite, “Yes!” For others, the answer isn 't so simple. Many of the researchers that had reservations, spent their time wondering what dogs (and other animals) were capable of feeling, or if they were capable of feeling anything at all. Since these researchers were unable to put feelings under a microscope, their research lead no where, and they remained skeptics. To the contrary,Marc Bekoff, author of several books including The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy and Why They Matter, begins his research three decades ago with the question, “What does it feel like to be a …show more content…
Secondary emotions are not instant, but instead a conscious thought. They may be simple feelings or be a mix as more emotions join the fray, and they involve higher brain centers in the cebrbral cortex (Bekoff, 2007, p. 8). This could be true as to what was happening to the group of elephants in The Emotional Lives of Animals. Bekoff tells of a group of 14 elephants, that thrashed through a village looking for a group member that was missing. Thousands of people were forced to flee their homes although the member they were missing had fell into water and drowned, and some of the villagers had already buried it. The fact that the elephant was all ready buried suggests that time had passed, making thrashing of the village a reaction from a secondary emotion (Bekoff, 2007, p. 3). They may also come from more complex chains of …show more content…
We learned that she was crippled and that she couldn’t travel as fast as the rest of the herd. However, we saw that the elephants in Babyl’s group didn’t leave her behind; they waited for her.” The guide had explaoined that the elephants always waited for the elephant name Babyl, and they had been doing it for years. The guide explained how the group would walk for a while, then stop and look around to see where Babyl was. If Babyl was too far back, they would stop and wait. (Bekoff, 2007, p. 3). This shows the value of emotions that enhanced Babyl 's chance at survival. The group must of cared for Babyl, or they wouldn 't do what they were doing to halp take care of the elephant, if they had not, the elphant would have more than likely parished a long time ago, becoming prey and a food source for another animal. The short film ,”Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets,” shows 3 men, and a woman are in a small boat, cutting away the net that inprisons the whale. This is a fine example of the value of human emotions enhancing the survival of the whale, that otherwise would more than likely die. After being freed the whale danced a happy dance of sorts, and showed it 's appreciation for valuing it 's life enough to risk their own safety to save it ("Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING
This appeals to surprised and saddened emotions of the audience by stating “whales are stored for 2/3 of their life in a small dark area”. The trainers “would deprive them food to make them go into the box” and this resulted in “whales covered in rakes and blood”. The music slows to a wistful tune as the former trainers discuss how “it didn’t feel right to store them there” in order to draw the audience in to empathize with them. The use of these heartbreaking scenes exhibits a sympathetic tone that proves to the audience that whales should not be kept in captivity. Blackfish uses reasoning to explain that an orca is a very intelligent creature and aware of its environment and interactions. “Whales have a part in their brain humans don’t have, they can process emotions. They live emotional lives”. The film uses this claim in order to emphasize that orcas in captivity suffer mentally. Blackfish confirms this statement by explaining that orcas have a limbic system that is more complex compared to humans. It then displays a scene reviewing an MRI that proves that researchers found a development in the brain of an orca that cannot be fully explained. By examining the brain first hand it is proof for the audience that allows them to understand this concept. The film states that mental stress and irritation can occur when
...ve with her powers. In general no matter the conflict that arises the elephants always stick together and never become mad at one another. This collectiveness/family unity is a great message to any reader searching for life answers.
One of the main characters that suffers is Rosie, the circus’ elephant, her owner abuses her because he thinks she is a poorly trained animal. In reality Rosie doesn’t understand English. “August marches off, I turn back to Rosie. She stares at me, a look of unspeakable sadness on her face. Her amber eyes are filled with tears” (Gruen 268). Rosie is abused and has no method of escaping from her oppression. Emotional pain is shown in Water for Elephants through negative events in Jacob’s life. “I sink to the floor, overcome with grief and guilt. I throw a book at the wall” (Gruen 299). Jacob suffers as he tries to control his emotions. He suffers as he tries to overcome the loss of his companions, Walter and Camel. The two characters died as a result of being thrown off of the moving circus train because they could no longer afford to pay their wages. This also shows the pain involved in trying to earn a living during the Great Depression era. Furthermore, pain and suffering is tied into being confined, as one is suffering due to their confined
There is a myriad of other films, some produced by groups like PETA and ASPCA, where the intent is solely to inspire sympathy by parading superfluous images of abused animals in front of the viewer. Blackfish could have taken that route, it certainly would have been simple for the film-makers; however, they opted for a sensible and logical fact-based structure to support their message. Gabriela Cowperthwaite, the film’s director, succeeded in providing viewers like myself -- viewers who value facts over feelings, an excellent and well-documented look at the physical and mental treatment of these captured animals. The filmmakers provided enough evidence to support their claims which asked the viewer to question the killer whale’s aggressive behavior when in captivity and then allowed the viewer the make their own judgments based on the facts being
I’ve always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don’t fake or hide their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth and somehow we humans think we’re smarter. I chose this topic about the canine because, some of these canines risk their life’s to protect dog’s best friend.
There are many theories today the support the idea of animals having emotions. I personally believe that ducks have emotions. Many of the class readings such as “Yes, Animals Have Feelings” by Jonathan Balcombe, and Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin support the theory of animals having emotions. My definition of emotion is a state of mind that is based off internal or external circumstances. I started observing ducks to help support my idea the ducks have emotions. By using the readings and combining it with my observations I had a case for ducks having emotions. I am observing changes in behavior or actions that show emotions such as happiness, trust and caring. The article ‘Yes, Animals Have Feelings” by Jonathan Balcombe discusses
This knowledge and empathy combined would anthropomorphize elephants, imagining them as more human-like and would lead to coexistence, aka the trans-species psyche. In Siebert's An Elephant Crackup?, elephants and humans as a whole are in conflict with each other due to not knowing why the other group is aggressive and thus are in constant retaliation to each other (Siebert 322). A trans-species psyche can not be achieved if humans do not imagine elephants are equal beings. This imagination is not simply making up things as if they were lies, imagining elephants as more human teaches humans that they are emotionally and socially on the same level by emphasizing their mind's eye; giving another perspective of elephants than just wild animals ready to be poached. An example of people being blind to imagination is shown in an incident when a herd of elephants killed a man near the village Katwa, but buried him out of respect. The elephants themselves elephantmorphize the human so the human is like them, but the humans that want to retrieve the man's corpse do not anthropomorphize the elephants. The human villagers shoot gunfire on the elephants to drive them away, causing future generations of traumatized and violent elephants (334). Without imagination, people would not be able to understand others(which don't have to be human) causing a lack of empathy, a trait important for creating the trans-species psyche that Siebert
In 1961, Dr. Boris Levinson, a child psychologist, became the “accidental” pioneer for animal therapy. One day he left his dog, Jingles, alone with one of his young, uncommunicative patients. When Dr. Levinson came back, the child was smiling and talking to the dog (Altschiller 3). This just shows how quick and monumental the effect of an animal can be. He believed that therapy animals provided, “unconditional acceptance and love” and they offered “a secure and warm environment for children and other patients, increasing their ability to adapt better psychologically to other people”...
Thesis Statement: While most owners are aware of the amount of joy and laughter dogs bring to them and their family, they are unaware that their dogs love them unconditionally and can help them have better lives
Plutchik, Robert (2002), Emotions and Life: Perspectives from Psychology, Biology, and Evolution, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Arluke, A. (1994). Managing emotions in an animal shelter (pp. 145-165). Animals and human society.
In the first instance let us look at the cruelty endured by these innocent creatures. Whales are able to feel pain and distress which makes them in many ways just like us. Harry Lillie a doctor on a whaling boat over 50 years ago said "The gunners themselves admit that if whales
In the story, “Survive the Savage Sea” by Dougal Robertson, the Robertson family goes to sea to travel around the world and have a fun family vacation and have a seaman experience like their father had done when he was a seaman. While on the trip the family’s boat was attack by a group of killer whales and was destroyed. The family was left for 38 days lost at sea rationing on supplies that were not intended to last them that long. The father, Dougal Robertson, wrote this story on their experience and said this “the predatory emotions that are brought to the fore to make life possible in this primitive style are not compatible with emotional beauty and emotional finesse”
They can feel and sense things just like people even though they do not react to things in the same way. There are many ways to tell that animals have feelings. A way to tell they have feelings is by looking at their faces and bodies. Their body language tells a lot about their feelings. If the animal walks around droopy then maybe he or she is sad. The most important thing to look at to tell that a animal has feelings is to look at their eyes. By looking at the outside of the animal you can tell what’s going on the inside of them.
Animals can be perceived in many different ways. While some humans consider animals to be mindless machines programmed with instinct, others view them as spiritual creatures capable of coherent thought and emotions. I feel that animals are somewhere in the middle. Although they rely heavily on instinct, the ability to feel emotions shows that their mental capacity is not far from that of a human.