Survive The Savage Sea Summary

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Advocates of At Sea Living

In the story, “Survive the Savage Sea” by Dougal Robertson, the Robertson family goes to sea to travel around the world and have a fun family vacation and have a seaman experience like their father had done when he was a seaman. While on the trip the family’s boat was attack by a group of killer whales and was destroyed. The family was left for 38 days lost at sea rationing on supplies that were not intended to last them that long. The father, Dougal Robertson, wrote this story on their experience and said this “the predatory emotions that are brought to the fore to make life possible in this primitive style are not compatible with emotional beauty and emotional finesse” He is saying that man cannot live on water as they can on land. I believe that he is correct and its true that man can not live on water as they do on land because man was not created to live on water. Man has already dominated land and the sea is dominated by the creatures that live in there. We have all our resources on land and even though we have things like fish and sea creatures we can eat but there are still things that we need that we can’t get while on sea. Trying to adapt to a lifestyle that we as humans were not created for and rule an area that we haven’t even searched entirely …show more content…

Agriculture has so many purposes and can used for so many resources. There is so many varieties of it and none of the variations will be available. I think at the beginning we could be successful on water, but we would soon get bored of the resources available there. Also, when we come and disrupt sea life and try to take their resources away from them to use for ourselves, because we also need to keep in mind that the creatures underwater need most of the same resources, sea live will not agree with us and considering we weren’t made for the sea and underwater they could easily over dominate us on their turf if we trouble

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