The Secretary Chant Analysis

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The Secretary Chant

Can you imagine going through stressful, exhausting, and depressing days repeatedly everyday? This could potentially ruin futures and also great opportunities in life. Marge Piercy’s poem, “ The Secretary Chant,” uses despondent vocabulary and a depressed tone to express her feelings on how your work could be the downfall of your life. The poem takes place in a secretary’s office where the secretary feels she is a tool in our society. Her body parts are being compared to a bunch of office supplies, thus making her seem like a tool not a human being. After a firm analysis on the Marge Piercy’s “ The Secretary Chant,” I have come to the decisions that people are tired of doing the same stressful work consistently without …show more content…

With further investigation, I came across the line, “ My navel is a reject button.” Although there other extraordinary quotes, this one stood out because she’s feeling as if she’s a nobody. The line “reject button” infers that the woman is a nobody, while “my navel” is a reference to herself. The combination of the two lines translate to her feeling like a nobody, but just a bunch of tools due to stress repeatedly building up. At last but not least, Mrs. Piercy mentioned “File me under W because I wonce was a woman.” With the stress and possibly other emotions building up, the secretary no longer feels like a woman, but a bunch of office supplies since all she does is work. While discovering this quote, I noticed how “wonce” was a misspelled word for once due to the fact that the secretary is breaking down and losing it. In conclusion, this is why I believe that people are tired of doing the same stressful work consistently without any breaks. Of course you would have to work hard to achieve good things in life, but too much of a specific thing is never good. Many people will argue and mention how you need to be a hard worker in order to achieve good things in life. Although this is true, I oppose this and would like to mention that too much of an individual thing could really harm and stress a person out. After viewing my perspective, do you think that people repeating

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