The Role Of Communication In Disgraced By Ayad Akhtar

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Miscommunication. Trust issues. Beliefs. Language Barriers. Culture. Society. All of the terms mentioned before you in some way affect how a person communicates with the world that surrounds them. In life, we as humans pick up and transmit the ways in which responses are given to us and others as we witness them in adolescence into adulthood. Conflict communication is a bridge that undergoes finding resolutions to various barriers in society that can create interpersonal conflicts. This paper will analyze the pop culture media play, Disgraced, by writer Ayad Akhtar, who in so many ways displays the conflict that can penetrate various relationships between friends, family, and spouses when communication fails between receivers. First, I will
Amir had a horrible childhood experience where his mother spit in his face for liking a girl of a different racial background, in turn; he went and spit in the young girls’ face the next time they met. The role of communication in a family is to assist in helping the next generation make since of the world, sustain traditions and contribute to each other’s cultural rules (Family Conflict). The primary source of conflict in my opinion is that the mother was raised a certain way and instilled those beliefs and actions into her own child. There are more than one way to communicate with someone and for an impressionable child, action speaks much louder than
In response to Amir’s mother and other family members, Amir began having his own communication issues which in the long run affected his relationship with his wife, friends, and himself. He even stated that he was proud of terrorist acts because it meant that his people finally have a leg up on everyone who put his people (the same people he disowned). Aspects of culture can affect the views a person has on the world and how they communicate those views to certain people. Culture and Conflict, one of our readings, explains this. “Your subjective culture serves as a highly selective screen between you and the outside world that “directs the organization of the psyche, which in turn has a profound effect upon the ways people look at things, behave politically, make decisions, order priorities, organize their lives, and…how they think (Culture and Conflict).”” There is an internal fight in Amir between the man he turned himself into and the man he was supposed to be raised to be. The way he spilled out his frustrations was wrong, though. In communication, it helps that all parties are on the same page and can receive the message being conveyed. I would not have allowed the situation of the moment to discuss those issues with my friends in the matter that Amir did. He was intoxicated and he was angry. Amir was bothered by the case his

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