The Relationship Between Government And Non-Profit Organizations

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Government and the nonprofit sector often intersect in modern life within the United States. Throughout the years, the relationship of the two has expanded. The government is very dependent on the nonprofit sector to carry out services that would otherwise be left purely to the government. The government then provides monetary assistance to the independent sector to help ensure that the services are being appropriately carried out, while making certain that nonprofit organizations are authentic. The relationship between government and the nonprofit sector is always evolving. How does the relationship between non-profit organizations and government affect the independent sector? The government makes sure that organizations are authentic by making the commons file a Form 990 to the Internal Revenue Service. People then become allowed to see the organization’s expenditures. For tax exemption, non-profit organizations register under 501 (c)(4). In order to be tax exempt, the organization must benefit the public and not just a private faction. Government and the non-profit sector share a relationship through public strategies. Non-profit organizations can form interest groups to sway public policy to support the group’s cause. Non-profit organizations have the power to assist government officials in winning elections. One example from, states that the Republican Jewish Coalition made a $6.5 million offer to help Romney …show more content…

The government has a desire to be aware of the expenditures of non-profits and wants to know that non-profits are in an active pursuit to benefit the public. Without the government to make sure that nonprofit organizations are not fraudulent, citizens could be falling for scams. Fraud contravenes the people’s trust, which in turn can hurt the entire nonprofit sector. It is important for the government to regulate legitimacy among

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