The Pros And Cons Of Vaccines

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America looks at disease as a war. Illness is the enemy, vaccinations are the weapons, and the unfortunate cost is that some innocent civilians may lose their lives. A vaccine is a substance used to provide immunity against a disease. In some cases, vaccines have done more harm than good. Ignoring this fact, vaccines are mandatory in every state, and some states are trying to take away the parent’s right to deny them. The disadvantages, diseases, and disabilities caused by vaccines justify the parent’s right to decide against the risk of vaccination. The extent of adverse reactions to vaccines is crippling. Every year, there are more than 20,000 vaccine adverse reaction reports that are filed with the US government (Merino 17). 13% are classified as serious, including death, lifelong disability or life-threatening illness (“Vaccines ProCon”). Considering that almost all Americans are vaccinated makes these numbers seem less significant. However, it is estimated that less than ten percent of adverse reactions are reported (“National Vaccine…”). This means that over 200,000 people in America are possibly affected in a negative way by vaccines per year. These negative reactions can range from minor to life-threatening, and even death. One of the most common vaccinations is for chickenpox. Some of the many reactions known to occur with this vaccine include: fevers, allergic responses, deafness, convulsions, paralysis, death, learning disabilities, epilepsy, mental retardation, and behavior disorders (Neustaedtr 37). Another common and mandatory vaccine is for measles, mumps and rubella; also known as the MMR vaccine. The list of side effects for this vaccine includes: encephalitis, meningitis, autism, subacute sclerosin panencephali... ... middle of paper ... ... today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow,” (“National Vaccine…”). Although this is an extremist view, it has a simple truth to it: America is a free country, which should guarantee that parents would have the freedom to choose against vaccination. Vaccines have many disadvantages, which justify a parent’s right to chose if they want to take the risk of vaccinating their child or not. The leader of a family, not the leader of a nation, should make this choice. The diseases and disabilities caused by vaccines are too substantial to ignore. More solid, long-term research should be done before they are deemed safe and mandatory. The innocent civilians who lost their lives in this war against disease are the biggest reasons of why the weapons of choice, vaccines, should be reevaluated.

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