Cost Of Vaccination

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Mankind is constantly trying to improve the way of life to further advance the society of man. God commanded us to use the resources he has given for the benefit of all people in the Creation Mandate. "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28 KJV) Even though industry is always improving, it is not always for the moral reasons God intended. Vaccinations have been known to prevent numerous diseases and even save lives, but is one of the most commonly disputed and controversial practices in our society today due to the …show more content…

It is clear in our society that some vaccinations have helped to improve many lives. Many diseases like Polio have either been or are close to being eradicated. This has resulted in many lives being saved and reduced the amount of loved ones lost to deadly bacteria. Some diseases that used to kill are now very rare or even nonexistent. Also, the cost of multiple treatments and doctor visits can be quite high, so vaccines can greatly reduce the price. According to distributors, side effects, especially lethal ones, are extremely rare.
While apparently not too common, some consumers have told of numerous detrimental factors of being vaccinated. For some users, vaccinations can cause serious, harmful conditions. Approximately 1,400 people file vaccine adverse reactions reports with the CDC per year. 5,000 of these reports caused emergency room visits, and some were lethal. There are also many diseases that have been linked to vaccination. Diabetes, Autism, Thrombocytopenia, Arthritis, Encephalitis, Guillian-Barre syndrome, Hemophilia, Influenza, Hepatitis B, neurological disorders, paralysis, and death are just some of the many diseases that have been related. One report is the story of …show more content…

At times, the health and well being of humans is sadly not the motive to sell a vaccine. I believe companies are immorally pushing the market and sales of their medicine despite the known effects. Companies are pushing to sell their drugs to people groups that it would not benefit and that do not need them. Before the Chicken Pox vaccine, parents were told to expose their children to the relatively harmless disease while they are young because if it was contracted later in life, the infected person could face serious complications that could be detrimental to their life. After the vaccine was introduced, parents were told that the disease was extremely dangerous for children and they should be vaccinated as soon as possible. There is clearly a contradiction. The distributors obviously are not concerned about the health of the child, but instead they are attempting to fatten their wallets. There has been many reports of infant deaths linked to vaccines. If the baby's immune system is not strong enough to learn how to fight against the bacteria being injected in its body, it's immune system can shut down causing the child to be harmed. Many people have filed reports over complications and illnesses they have received after using a certain vaccine. Many of these reports have been denied by the company distributing the drug. Industries should be inclined to hear stories and improve instead of

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