The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

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As long as humans have been inhabiting Earth, they have divided themselves into a variety of groups. Groups such as race, religious beliefs, culture, sexuality, and even gender. For centuries, men and women have been treated differently and unequally due to the sex they were born into. Sexism is a prejudice or discrimination on the basis of gender and it is evident in almost all cultures around the world. Currently, the 2016 presidential candidates are both male and female and in the past, since our first president, George Washington, a male, this country has never had a female president. So, the fact the Hillary Clinton is so incredibly close to becoming chief executive of the United States of America, it has created a sexist undertone to …show more content…

Keith suggests that the first female presidential nominee would certainly cause the campaign to have a sexist atmosphere, “Perhaps it was inevitable that with the first female nominee of a major political party on the ballot, the race for president would have undercurrents of sexism” (Keith, par. 3). The unforeseen aspect of this was how obviously the sexism is displayed. Keith goes on to give examples of when Trump fosters sexism in his crude comments like, “She's got nothing else going on. And frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she'd get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she's got going is the women's vote. And the beautiful thing is that women don't like her, OK?" (Keith, par. 11). She also adds that Trump definitely encourages the sexism that is prominent in his followers, who wear shirts and post banners reading “Trump That Bitch!”, which is direct towards Clinton. She even suggests that by Clinton ignoring the vulgar sexism being aimed at her by Trump and his followers, that Clinton, herself, is encouraging the sexism. Keith also recognizes the fact that Trump’s misogynistic behavior causes more women to lean towards voting for

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