Hillary Clinton Women In Politics Essay

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The topic of politics has been a common topic recently. When people are in a conversation about politics, many people come to the conclusion that women shouldn’t be running or aren’t cut out for that job. Women being in Congress is apparently a bizarre idea for some people, but women actually aren’t more emotional than men, aren’t less aware of current situations, and aren’t going to be voted ‘just because they’re a woman’. Although some media sources might still believe that women aren’t supposed to be politicians or presidential candidates, women are just as capable to be legislators, which makes this claim illogical.
One way this stereotypes shows is that people assume that women are more emotional than men. In an article posted by The Washington …show more content…

In the past election, it shows that many people voted for Hillary Clinton because she was a woman, not because of her views. In the article titled The Immaturity of Supporting Hillary Clinton Because She is a Woman states, “It is hard to imagine a more immature or morally primitive stance than that of progressive women (and men) who argue how important is to support Hillary Clinton because, as your local college would put it, she identifies as a woman,” (Prager 1). Ultimately, women and men are equal and there are many people that will not vote for a women just because she is a women, but because of her beliefs and history. Hillary Clinton, for example, was runner up for the 2016 Presidential Election. She even won the popular vote. In the article titled 5 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Would Make a Great President it explains “She’s an extremely intelligent woman and is sure to make the race a lot more interesting, while also raising the quality of debates in the months to come,” (Quinn 1). This shows that there are real life examples of people voting for a women for other reasons than her gender. In addition, it shows that Hillary Clinton has many admirable traits as women, the traits that some men don’t obtain. In conclusion, women are good politicians because of their good traits, not just because they’re a

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