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What is the main negative effect of energy drinks
Conclusions on energy drinks
A survey of 16 energy drinks noted
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Recommended: What is the main negative effect of energy drinks
As a full-time college student, it can be hard trying to balance a schedule in which consists of school, work, parenting (in some occasions), maintaining a social life and getting enough sleep, and then repeat the same process the following day. Which can be tiring on the long run for instance, for me to maintain active an entire day, I know I at least need to nap for just a few minutes. However, I seemed to notice that, it does not seem to be the same case for many students. Based from what I have observed in my evening class, is that many of my classmates fight their lack of energy with a can of energy drink, whether it is a Monster, a Red Bull or a Rock Star. That is why I am interested on whether a student’s lifestyle may influence the
In my perspective, I believe this to be true because not only are there varieties of energy drink machines in the disposition for many students on campus, but also the consumption of the drinks, has continued to gain in popularity since the 1997 debut of Red Bull (Malinauskas et al., 2007). Additionally, the article talks about finding a correlation between energy drinks and six situations such as treating hangovers, insufficient sleep, need for energy, studying (or major project), driving a car for a long period, or mixing it with alcohol and the usage of energy drinks. The article also states that most users consumed energy drinks to increase their energy (65%) and to drink with alcohol while partying (54%) (Malinauskas et al., 2007). Meaning that even though, the consumption of energy drinks varied on the six situations that were tested partying and the need for energy was still higher. However, based on the article the consumption of energy drinks is particularly popular for insufficient sleep, when one needs more energy in general, to drink with alcohol while partying, and when studying for an exam or major course project (Malinauskas et al., 2007). Concluding that although, consuming energy drinks for the need of energy and mixing with alcohol showed the highest percentages of consumption, it does not determine that the other two situations are
The small drink that promises big energy and alertness without have jitters plays a role in most teenage and adult lives. This 5- Hour Energy’s audience is multitasking, working professionals. The market demand has increased a tremendous amount since the product had hit the store shelves in the year 2004.
Caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant, is the main psychoactive ingredient in energy drinks, which enhances alertness and mood, and counteracts symptoms of sleep. There is no doubt ...
Based on the website cspinet.org which is the Center for Science in the Public Interest publish on June 25, 2014 said that in documents obtained from the Food and Drug Administration show that since 2004, a total of 33 deaths have now been linked to energy drinks. Of those, 22 deaths have been linked to 5-Hour Energy, 11 deaths have been linked to Monster, and one death, a first, has been linked to Rockstar
Still there are problems trying to change customer perception towards energy drinks, mainly because new results of side effects of drinking too much Red Bull are being published, therefore a sceptical feeling is affecting the market.
It is said that on average a college student should get at least 8 hours of sleep. In today’s society an average college student gets only about 6 hours of sleep at night. This is mainly because students are up late studying, there is too much noise in the dorm halls, something is troubling one’s mind, etc. “Stress about school and life keeps 68 percent of college students awake at night- 20 percent of them at least once a week.”(Lund) Majority of college students have an irregular sleep pattern during the week. Because of this many of the students try to make up missed time sleeping longer hours during the weekend. By doing this, the students’ mess up their “internal body clock”. “This erratic pattern can take a toll on students’ well-being, especially when coffee and high caffeine energy drinks are added to the mix.” (Witman, 2012) The fact that their body clocks must get used to a different routine may ...
Beep beep beep. That’s the sound of the annoyingly loud alarm clock that goes off every morning in the majority of American homes. In today’s day and age our everyday lives are sped up to keep up with the new way things are getting done. Twenty four hours is not enough time any more for one day. Plenty of Americans plan a schedule that comprises of twenty four plus hours in a day. Sleep plays a huge role in how humans function on a daily basis. College students specifically struggle heavily with receiving the right amount of sleep. They just simply are not getting the healthy amount of sleep. While people sleep they regenerate their energy and their body recuperates from the previous days stress on the body. I believe that students at Cal
Red Bull. 5 Hour Energy. Monster. These energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular not just for teenagers and college kids, but in the world of athletics as well. Athletes around the world are drinking these beverages for a boost in athletic performance and stamina to get an edge over their opponents. These drinks are even being promoted by professional athletes! This increasing popularity and consumption begs the question: are these drinks safe? I decided to dig into this question, and I have found some pretty startling answers. The drinks may bring enhanced performance and energy, but they also come with potential health risks. These health risks heavily outweigh the benefits the drinks could possibly bring.
The term energy drinks refers to beverages that contain caffeine in combination with other ingredients such as guarana and other vitamins and minerals. In other words, energy drinks can be defined as a soft drink containing a high percentage of sugar, caffeine, or another stimulant, typically consumed during or after sporting activity or as a way of overcoming tiredness. Energy drinks are highly sweetened, caffeinated beverages that are packaged in brightly colored, slim line containers. They are sold virtually everywhere. At first, energy drinks were sold as a medicinal tonic drink and they have some benefits if person take it in limit. There are various negative effects of energy
Sara M. Seifert, BS, Judith L. Schaechter, MD, Eugene R. Hershorin, MD, Steven E. Lipshultz, MD, . “Health Effects of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults." 127.3 (2011): 511-528. google scholar. Web. 11 Mar 2014.
As the vast majority of Americans are addicted to caffeine, studies show that the effects during post-consumption, can be positive or negative depending on the amount and frequency of caffeine intake. As the demand for caffeine has increased, the caffeine industry has increased its amount of marketing and establishments to help aid this demand. Caffeine addiction can lead to serious health and physiological detriments. It is evident that the primary reason for consumption of caffeinated beverages is due to positive effects, such as alertness. The media has an abundance of marketing to continue to illustrate this main effect.
The following study will examine and provide research methods, results and conclusions about college students who consume caffeine, energy drinks, alcohol or both to get an energy boost for one reason or another. Coffee, which used to be the highlight of boosting energy and staying up late nights to complete homework assignments or study, has taken a fall in the 20th century. The study will also point out the effects of the energy drinks and alcohol and the harm and health concerns that contribute to the students behaviors when consumed. The first study examines energy drinks and alcohol among college students and the fact that more students are consuming the product. The study is a web-based questionnaire.
Energy drinks are thought to help enhance performance, boost mental alertness, improve endurance and energy, decrease fatigue, enhance metabolism, and improve overall performance. Energy drinks are also used because of short term health benefits, taste, energy boost, improved performance, and to justify or improve poor dietary habits (Rath). But, drinking energy drinks come with so much more along with a list of health problems and possibly
...In summation energy drinks can be good for a quick boost of energy. And over the years they have become increasingly popular. Many people should become more aware of the benefits and downfalls to drinking energy drinks. They should never down one before strenuous exercise or drink numerous amounts at a time. Energy drinks should never be mixed with alcohol due to the dangerous side affects that can occur. Energy drinks affect all people differently, but consumers should be more aware before drinking these products.
To drink or not to drink that is the question. Should I drink coffee or should I drink energy drinks right before a sports activity. I could get a boost of energy by drinking it. I could run right over to WAWA and get a bottle of energy drink or a cup of coffee. I could get either one but not both of them the energy drink has about 74 milligrams of caffeine and a cup of coffee has 95 milligrams of of caffeine. Which one should I have coffee, energy drink ,or should I just stay with water.
College students, along with high school students, are seen to be some of the most sleep-deprived people groups. College students are