The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence

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The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence

Frank Drake, an American astronomer made an equation to find the probability of finding aliens in our galaxy. The probability of humans finding extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy equals Nfpnef1fifcfL, where N equals the number of stars in the Milky Way, fp equals the fraction of those stars having planets, ne equals the number of those planets that can support life, f1 equals the number of those planets on which life arises, fi equals the fraction of those planets on which intelligent life evolves, fc equals the fraction of those planets where intelligent life developed into a technologically advanced civilization and fL equals the fraction of time a technical civilization lasts. Drake's equation is beautiful, meaningless mathematics. It does not come close to solving the question of the existence of extraterrestrials because it has so many variables that we cannot imagine what they stand for.

I feel there must be extraterrestrial intelligence. Even if not in our galaxy, in the universe somewhere. Someone once said, "Absence of proof, is not proof of absence." I think he is correct. While we do not know that aliens exist, we do not that they do not exist. Considering the many UFO sightings, most of them are probably conjured, but at least one had to have really happened because the idea is too crazy to be thought of out of nowhere. Some scientists argue that the chances of alien intelligence are slim since the circumstances that produced life were all just strange coincidences, all the same circumstances happening somewhere else is extremely unlikely. I think it is just arrogance to assume we are the only intelligent life in the universe.

If we do not have the tec...

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... of everyone in a civilization that uses telekinesis for transport, are probably very advanced. It might even be beyond their capabilities to think down to our level, or ours to think up to theirs. If antimatter is used as a source of propulsion, then their technology must more advanced then our own. It costs so much money for us to create one particle of antimatter that it is very impractical for us to try to power ships with it. While we might be able to communicate with them, discussing science could be nearly impossible because concepts they would take for granted would be way above our heads and then we would have no basis to build on.

I think that contact with extraterrestrial intelligence will cause more problems than it solves, but we should still keep searching. Who knows, they might have to cure to cancer or AIDS, or be able to solve all our problems.

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