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Features of conformity
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Esther: We will first explain conformity, compliance, and obedience, as well as some examples of these concepts. Next, we will explore the similarities and differences between these three ideas. Katherine: So what is conformity? The Psychological Sciences textbook defines it as “the altering of one’s behaviors and opinions to match those of other people or to match other people’s expectations” (Gazzaniga, 2012). Research on conformity began in 1935 when Muzafer Sherif used the autokinetic effect to see if individuals would conform to groups. In the autokinetic effect, participants mistake a beam of light in a dark room to be moving because they cannot recognize the effects of their own eye movements. Individually, participants gave varied …show more content…
In his 1955 experiment, he had participants analyze the similarities in line length out loud, but planted “confederates” to give incorrect answers. To his surprise, 32% of participants conformed to the obviously incorrect answers per trial, and 76% conformed at least once (McLeod, 2008). So why do people conform? Psychologists believe there are two main reasons: normative influence and informative influence. Kaplan and Miller define normative influence as conforming due to “concerns about the group and one’s position in it,” and informative influence as conforming due to “concerns about being accurate and arriving at correct solutions” (Kaplan and Miller, 1987). Several factors affect conformity. The larger the group, the more likely people are to conform, although this effect levels off at around seven group members. If there is even one dissenter in a group other than the participant, conformity drops dramatically. If the participant is in face-to-face contact with the group, he or she is more likely to conform. And finally, the more ambiguous the solution to the problem, the more likely the participant is to conform to others’ opinions (McLeod, …show more content…
According to the foot-in-the-door effect, people are more likely to agree with a large request after having complied to a small request. As the textbook states, “once people commit to a course of action, they behave in ways consistent with that commitment” (Gazzaniga, 2012). On the other side of things, the door in the face effect states that people will comply with a smaller request after having denied a larger request, because they want to compromise. Finally, the low-balling strategy is often used in sales. Once people choose to comply, such as buying a car, they will stick with that course of action even if the terms later change, such as increasing the
The most basic concept in social psychology is conformity. Conformity is the idea that behaviour or a belief is changed in order to follow, or conform, to what is considered the “norm.” One of the oldest experiments to support this notion was conducted in 1935 by Muzafer Sherif (Song, Ma, Wu, Li, 2012 p. 1366). There are two different types of
In class, we learned about Asch’s conformity studies and how people tend to yield to the group surrounding/ and or majority of the group, and this experiment was done through the line test. In the movie, they jury first
Conformity means a change in one’s behavior due to the real or imagined influence of other people. As a teenager, the pressure to conform to the societal “norm” plays a major role in shaping one’s character. Whether this means doing what social groups want or expect you to do or changing who you are to fit in. During class, we watched films such as Mean Girls, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and The Breakfast Club which demonstrate how the pressure to conform into society can change who you are. In the movies we have seen, conformity was most common during high school.
So far, conformity has been discussed in terms of group identification and social roles. However, individuals also tend to change prior beliefs to seek group acceptance. Asch (1951) investigated the effect of group pressure on conformity by asking participants to make a line judgment with seven confederates that gave the same obviously incorrect answer. Yet, 37% of participants conformed by giving the incorrect majority answer, whereas in the absence of group pressure, less than 1% of participants conformed (Asch, 1951). There are implications on normative influence as individuals, despite knowing the majority opinion was incorrect, may conform to avoid social punishment (Breckler et al., 2005). However, Turner and colleagues (1987) argued
The definition of conformity is the compliance with social standards and laws in a particular culture, environment, society and time. If this occurs the individual changes their attitudes, beliefs or actions to align more holistically with those in the surrounding groups and environment, as a result of real or perceived group pressure. This is ultimately a direct result of the power which a group has over the individual. There are two types of conformity, normative conformity, and informational conformity. The motivation behind normative conformity is the desire to be liked and accepted in society. This is most widely known as peer pressure. For example, a student begins smoking because their peers
In 1951, Solomon Asch carried out several experiments on conformity. The aim of these studies was to investigate conformity in a group environment situation. The purpose of these experiments was to see if an individual would be swayed by public pressure to go along with the incorrect answer. Asch believed that conformity reflects on relatively rational process in which people are pressured to change their behaviour. Asch designed experiments to measure the pressure of a group situation upon an individual judgment. Asch wanted to prove that conformity can really play a big role in disbelieving our own senses.
As well as for having the people around them respond to a question differently than their answer. These situations can have a person feeling doubtful of themselves and feeling like they have to change their answers to conform to the majority of people’s responses. Asch informs his readers on an experiment concentrated on the influence of group pressures upon individuals, that he conducted himself. His experiment involved a group of young men, all in college who gathered together to compare the lengths of lines. All subjects were displayed two cards, one with a black single standard line and another card which had three lines with various lengths, and every individual had to answer which line was the same as on the other card (598). He explains that if one other person answers a question differently than the dissenter, it causes the dissenter to doubt and rethink about the choice they made. Asch describes that when a person contradicts the subjects answer, the subject was influenced a little with the confrontation, but continued to answer independently, and when it was two people contradicting the subject’s answer, the subject “accepted the wrong answer 13.6 per cent of the time.” But when it was more than two people, “the subjects’ errors jumped to 31.8 per cent” (Asch 600). He says “The dissenter becomes more and more worried and hesitant as the disagreement continues in succeeding trials; he may
Here we can look at Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment. Solomon Asch (1951) conducted an experiment to investigate the extent in which social pressure from a group could affect a person to conform. So basically, Asch grouped persons in a room; each participant was asked to state aloud which comparison line (A, B or C) was most like the target line. The answer was obvious. There were a couple of people apart of the group that were in on the experiment and were told to give a misleading answer and then only one participates that was not aware of the experiment. Asch was interested to see if the real participant would conform to the majority view. Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view. About one third of the participants went along and conformed to the clearly incorrect majority view. As later questioned why participants conform so readily? When they were interviewed after the experiment, most of them said that they did not really believe their conforming answers, but had gone along with the group for fear of being thought as strange for seeing something
Elliot Aronson (2012) provides a definition of conformity, two social psychological processes that underlie a conformity and cited examples of reasons why people conform in the book, The Social Animal. Aronson (2012) defines a conformity as “a change in a person’s behavior or opinion as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people” (p.19). In accordance with Aronson’s (2012) definition of conformity, people do conform owing to the social influence, which are two main social psychological processes: belonging and getting information.
The Asch Conformity Experiment was an experiment conducted in 1951 by Solomon Asch. Asch believed that group influence would cause someone to agree to something even though they know that it is obviously incorrect. This assumption is called conformity. In 1951, Asch decided that he wanted to test his hypotheses so he gathered a group of male college students from Swarthmore college. He asked them to simply match the length of the lines that was presented to them. The task was quite simple. Each individual had to announce which of the 3 lines on the left matched the reference line on the right. Every participant; but one, was told to give the right answer for the first couple of rounds and then purposely give the wrong answer to see if everyone
The original baseline experiment (Milgram, 1963), took place at Yale University, with 40 participants. Each participant would arrive at the laboratory to meet the confederate (whom they thought was another participant). In the laboratory room there was a ‘shock generator’, presented as a machine that could deliver a graduated amount of shocks, increasing by 15-volt intervals, with a maximum of 450 volts. In fact, it could only administer 45 volts, and this was administered to the participant, to convince them the machine was real. The participant (who was the teacher) and the experimenter were in a separate room from the learner, with the participant asking the learner simple word-pairing que...
Conformity is defined as the compliance with social standards and laws in a particular culture, environment, society and time. If this occurs the individual changes their attitudes, beliefs or actions to align more holistically with those in the surrounding groups and environment, as a result of real or perceived group pressure. This is ultimately a direct result of the power which a group has over the individual. There are two types of conformity, normative conformity, and informational conformity. Normative conformity is motivated by the desire to be liked and accepted in society. This is most widely known as peer pressure. For example, a student begins smoking because their peers are smoking,
In one study of perceived conformity, members were given 16 situations and asked if they would conform in each. Over every situation, each participant revealed they believed the group would not influence them. That is, they believed they would not to conform.
Weiner, I. Healy, A. Freedheim, D. Proctor,R.W., Schinka,J.A. (2003) Handbook of Psychology: Experimental psychology,18, pp 500
With the constant demand for conformity, obedience, and submissiveness from others, and knowing that the fear of possible sanctions of standing out makes people easy targets for manipulative minds. A person may have a desire to conform wholeheartedly and never opt for differing values or he may conform in certain choices when certain kinds of values are at stake. Following the norm, such as conformist making an autonomous decision to conform to a certain set of prevailing values and habits. Do they desire conformity because they themselves find it preferable to differentiate or because others expect it, and even demand it by making it clear that non-conformity will be heavily sanctioned. What kind of values seem to be attached to conformity and why do people wish to conform? Is it justifiable to say that a conformist does not hold any other values than his desire to conform, and therefore conformity if we are not talking about trivial social adaptations to etiquette, to the rules of the social game we play every day, requires that one has a chance to think whether to conform or not. My aim is to explore a desire that seems to be deeply set in many human beings, namely the desire for social conformity. Gylling: Desire for Conformity 563 anything other than simply social behavior. As I already pointed out, we all conform to the demands of everyday life, make compromises and to avoid being