The Negatives Of Cell Phones On Society

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To start my speech I have a few questions for the class, “How many of you have cell phones?” “How many would say they couldn’t go a full day without having their cell phone?” According to a NY Daily News article by Meena Duerson, “84 percent of people surveyed in a new TIME Mobility Poll said they couldn’t go a single day without their mobile device in hand.” The importance behind this speech is to inform you guys of the negative effects cell phones has on our society. Cell phones have become an addiction to many people, it has taken away interpersonal conversations, and it has a negative impact on students in class. First, According to a Huffington Post By author Amanda L. Chan “anyone who 's spent enough time on a cell phone can likely attest …show more content…

Text claw can be caused by any sort of fine motor activities, but is a common problem for cell phone users. The reason people get text claw is caused by overuse of their fingers and hands. Another problem faced with overuse of the cell phone is phantom smartphone vibration syndrome. “Have you ever had the feeling of your phone going off in your pocket, but when you go to check there’s nothing there?” this is called Phantom smartphone vibration syndrome. This syndrome is most common with people who are dependent of their phones. This syndrome can cause anxiety to people because they expect there to be a notification. The final reason cell phone addiction can be dangerous is the use of cell phones while driving. Using a cell phone while driving is very dangerous problem that many people seem to do …show more content…

An online article posted by CBS DC explains “Digital distraction is an issue involving an overwhelming amount of college students, with more than 90 percent of students admitting to using their cell phones, laptops and other devices for recreational purposes during class time.” The problem isn’t only faced with college kids but with kids in all grades. Cell phones pose a huge distraction to their owners and also to any nearby students while in class. While students are on their phones they aren’t fully paying attention and aren’t absorbing the material taught. Also using cell phones in class is very disrespectful to the teacher. A teacher’s main purpose is to teach and when there is distractions in the class room, it becomes hard for them to do so. When a teacher catches a student on their phone it shows the teacher that the student doesn’t care. The teacher expects all to pay attention and learn what they are teaching. Finally, students are using their cell phones to cheat in class. Cell phones have made it very easy for students to cheat, students often search the internet on their phone for answers. With the internet at the palms of a student’s hand it makes it very easy for them to look up answers. Another way students tend to cheat is through text messages. Students will often text each other answers on tests. This impacts the ability for the student to learn because they aren’t fully understanding the

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