The My Hero Project: Ellen Degeneres

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It is important to speak out when injustices are happening, to prove not everyone has the same mindset as those causing the disservice. If something someone is passionate about then they should never stand aside while someone else causes their passion a disservice, said passion should be defended and kept close to those who try to protect it. Someone should always have to speak up for what is right even when everyone tells them it isn’t worth it, it’s always worth it if it’s something that means a lot to them. Everything and anything is worth fighting for if it means a great deal to someone and it has a great offense done to it. Speak for it, defend it, fight until the very end if need be do whatever needs to be done to defend the things that …show more content…

Ellen DeGeneres faced persecution for her character and herself, personally, coming out as gay. Ellen held a variety of jobs until she looked to comedy, building her reputation at small clubs and coffeehouses before working up to Clyde’s Club by 1981. In April 1997 DeGeneres made television history when she, revealed she was a lesbian(“Biography”). In 1997 DeGeneres was a recipient of the coveted Peabody Award, (“The My Hero Project-Ellen Lee DeGeneres”), and became an advocate of LGBT rights(“Ellen DeGeneres”). Her coming out on television was an act of bravery(“The My Hero Project-Ellen Lee DeGeneres”). Afterwards the show received criticism from other networks, but applause from gay-friendly activists, including DeGeneres’s mother. In 2008 DeGeneres married her girlfriend, Portia de Rossi(“Ellen DeGeneres”). This was important because people were beginning to think that someone they’ve been watching could be anything other than perfect, and idealistic. This affected many people as well as DeGeneres herself and the LGBT community. The coming out of Ellen DeGeneres affected people by showing others it didn’t matter what other people thought of a person in general, and caused many others to come out or to simply be themselves and discard judgements people …show more content…

These examples are inspirational because in a time when they were faced with intolerance towards them or they were discriminated against for who they were, they still stood with their beliefs. Just because one person causes a disservice doesn’t mean that those who are following know what they are doing. They follow others, knowing no better than those leading them. There are injustices that happen day to day and nothing is being done about them. Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “The world suffers a lot. Not because of bad people, but because of the silence of good people,” by this Bonaparte meant that everyone and everything suffers when good people pay no attention and bad people are allowed to go unshackled, and unchecked. There will always be a need for people to stop the disservices that happen in the world, and the people as a whole could staunch those who go against others with trivial manners to stop

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