The Most Dangerous Game Analysis

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The story, ‘The Lottery’ written by Shirley Jack is one of the most shocking and poignant stories ever in the history of current American fiction. Generally, the word lottery can be expressed as something which is positive with an exciting reward (Jackson, 2008). However, according to the author, a lottery is a barbaric ritual whose outcome is a death by the villagers. Fiddled by the nature of the topic, the reader is shocked by Jackson’s expression of violence and inhumanity in the current society. Despite the story’s drawback, the tale has attracted the attention with author’s portray of structure, description style, themes and organization and prescribe for study in different colleges and schools (Jackson, 2008). The author portrays a unique way to pass his message to the society, examine real challenges and entertaining as well. The Most Dangerous Game, on the other hand, is a story authored by Richard Connell that pits two notorious hunters against one another in a life and death competition (Connell, 2015). This story raises questions about cruelty and nature of violence as well as the ethics of hunting for sport. The primary theme of the hunter becoming the hunted has resulted to the most liked one in …show more content…

The theme of cruelty and violence exist not only on a symbolic level but also literal level (Connell, 2006). The author puts a sympathetic mood for the reader to feel for Rainsford that the reader feels what seems to be a hunted animal. The theme shows the cruelty in the society whereby the human nature is complicated and threatens the lives of persons due to the cruelty in violence. Zaroff a character in the story ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ shows off about his animal heads just after describing his new collection of heads that probably are human. It thus, compares decapitated heads which open up the difference between human murder and animals’

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