The Mission Of The Church

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According to The United Methodist Book of Discipline paragraph 120 “the mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Local churches provide the most significant arena through which disciple-making occurs.” The rational of the mission statement goes on to indicate that “proclaiming the good news of God’s grace and by exemplifying Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor” aids in pursuing the satisfaction of God’s supremacy and reign of the entire world.
The mission statement of the United Methodist Church ties in with Matthew 28:19-20 (CEB) as Jesus tells his disciples “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This is the charge that Jesus gave to all people, not just to ministers. The commandment was for all believers to make disciples of all people regardless of their sex, race or where they live. “Jesus did not tell us to go into the world and discover disciples or evoke disciples” thus indicating that we are not born as disciples but are developed into disciples. A pastor therefore, “works with Christ to form the church.”
In the United Methodist denomination the official statement is that the mission of the church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ and at the same time, Jesus is telling people that they are to make disciples for Christ, then the mission statement is pretty much the same for the church as it is the people. This is an interesting thought as so often people forget that the church belongs to Jesus Christ and not to the people. Jesus Christ i...

... middle of paper ... life, your life will tend to run more smooth. Although a persons like is not promised to be a smooth journey, a journey that incorporates the Trinity in it will certainly be an easier journey.
As I serve God as the pastor of Buckner United Methodist Church I take my understanding of the mission of the Church, the knowledge of the Trinity and the lead that God provides to minister to the people in the town and the community. I stress to the people that we are called to love and offer God’s grace to all, regardless of where they live, their religious preferences, their color or the government preferences. A good part of the community I serve is Republican and feel that it is probably best if white people live in the community. I utilize my understanding of God’s grace to reach out to all people and to model the behavior that I feel God is calling me to model.

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