On June 27, 1844 in Carthage jail, Hancock County, Illinois the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. and Hyrum Smith were martyred (Church History). Their murders, a mob, entered the jail; shot the prophet, his brother, and John Taylor multiple times, and left. The whole event took less than three minutes (Hill). Despite the mobs anger and the American laws at the time, the mob had no right or responsibility to kill Joseph Smith for his religious beliefs because the Bill of Rights states that people in America have the freedom of religion. Joseph Smith was born on December 23, 1805, in Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont, to Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack. When he was 14, Joseph Smith received a vision in answer to his prayer about which church to join (Church History). He said, "I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me […] When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other-This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph Smith-History 1:16-17). During his twenties, Joseph Smith suffered persecution and hardship as he translated The Book of Mormon, a set of gold plates that were given to him by the angel Moroni, using the Urim and Thummim (Church History). Early Mormons withstood oppression because they were considered commercial, political and religious threat to their neighbors (mormon.org). In January of 1844 Joseph Smith was nominated at candidate for president of the United States. Later that year, on June 27, Joseph Smith was martyred, along with his brother Hyrum Smith, at Carthage Jail. (Churc... ... middle of paper ... ...ine dictionary that featured a Spanish dictionary, thesaurus, medical dictionary, an English dictionary, and an encyclopedia. I used this site to get the definition of beliefs. "Special Report: Remembering Arch Bishop Janani Luwum - Acholi Times - The Voice of the Acholi People." Acholi Times. N.p., 09 Dec. 2013. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. . This is an article written 36 years after the martyr of Janani Jakaliya Luwum. It gives lots of detail and explains different aspects of the martyr. The article has supporting evidence like quotes from Luwum and other men that were present during various parts of the trial. I used this site top get information on the martyr of Janani Jakaliya Luwum. I compared the martyr of Janani Jakaliya Luwum to the martyr of Joseph Smith.
...leased from prison, Mathews continued his quest for religion by seeking Joseph Smith of the Mormon society, under the alias Joshua the Jewish Minister. The two had a heated discussion of resurrection and reincarnation. On the other hand, Matthews claimed to be both God and the reincarnation of the apostle Matthias. However Matthews his meeting with Smith was unsuccessful because both prophets believed the other was of the devil. Matthews’ s religious journey albeit chaotic and aberrant now serves as subconscious guide for how new religious movements and cults in present day America.
Results Reached by the Trial of the Assassins. - In brief." THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER July 8, 1865, Print.
How far was smith to blame for Mormons trouble? Smith founded the religion so in some ways it was all his fault if their was no religion the Mormons wouldn't be in any trouble and
The Oatman’s adventure began as a result of their decision to join a new sect of the Mormon faith. This particular belief, whose followers were named Brewsterites, had its roots in Kirtland, Ohio around 1836. A young boy, about ten years old, named Colin Brewster, showed promise in the eyes of Joseph Smith, the great Mormon prophet. Many had already noticed the boy’s “gift for seeing in vision distant objects not seen by the natural eye” (McGinty 40). Eventually, Brewster’s vision of a round table lead to his acceptance as “a prophet, a seer, a revelator and translator” (McGinty 31), by Joseph Smith Sr. and two other church elders, one of which was referred to as Lord.
Before the founding and organizing of the LDS church and introduction of polygamy, Joseph Smith received bitter persecution. He was tarred and feathered by a mob, but this was nothing compared to the treatment the saints received when their practice of polygamy became well known (Arrington JS 26-7). In order to escape the torture, Joseph Smith led one hundred and fifty or more saints from New York to Kirtland, Ohio in 1831 (Arrington JS 21). After living in harmony with the native Gentiles for several years, the town of Kirtland be...
clergy finally decided to listen to his ideas and many of the accused were released
A handsome boy kneels down for prayer beside a tree in his father’s orchard. It is a nice sunny spring day with the warm rays of the radiant sun gently kissing the boy’s face. “God, give me a sign,” he pleads to his heavenly father. He is only 14, yet religion fascinates him. Confused by what Christian faith to believe in, he was not sure whether he wanted to become a Baptist like his parents, or a Methodist, which church’s teachings appealed more to him. A slight cool breeze passes through his chestnut colored hair. In a moment he finds himself paralyzed, unable to move, at the mercy of some evil force. A shadowy mist surrounds him. The boy is afraid and does the only thing he could think of: he prayed, “God save me!” Immediately a pillar of light descends over his head like a crown of gold. A strange calmness overcomes the boy, and the shadows around him recede. To the boy, who questioned God’s existence, this was a sure sign that his heavenly father was still there. That boy was Joseph Smith, who had just experienced the first of a series of visions that he would receive throughout his faithful life. Soon after his first vision, he received another in which he the angel Moroni visited him, who presented him with a map. Smith traveled to a nearby hill where he found several golden tablets, etched with mysterious characters of ancient languages long forgotten. Smith was ordered by the angel to translate the plates into what is now known as the Book of Mormon (from which the Mormons gained their name), the cornerstone of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or simply abbreviated as the LDS Church. (Millet 6-8).
Joseph Smith or Brigham Young's Contributions to the Mormon Movement Many settlers travelled east, but the most important religious group to travel east was the Mormons. The Mormon religion was started by a person called Joseph Smith. A Smith grew up on his farm, angles appeared telling him there was a book (written upon golden plates) on a hillside near Manchester, New York. Once dug up, the plates were published in a translated version, which contained statements of his father and brothers saying they had seen the plates. Smith started to preach his new religion.
The characters’ actions in the short story,“The Drummer Boy of Shiloh” support the generalization that people responded to the Civil War with hope. During war, there is usually a great increase in patriotism and endurance. At first, Joby is fearful of the next day during the battle. He knew that he was going to die tomorrow. He responded by giving up all aspiration that he would survive the battle, but his ambition came back when he spoke to the General. If Joby was still cowardly after talking to the General, he might have run away from the army, neglecting his duties. Thus, meaning that a person’s character does indeed affect their actions. In the beginning of the story, Joby is introduced as a young boy in the army during the Civil War.“Me,
Sidney and his family got baptized in 1832 after the missionaries came to his dad. Sidney Tanner and his family were asked by Joseph Smith to head out West. They went to Kirtland,Ohio. Sidney and his dad gave $2,000 for the temple. They loaned $13,000 more.
Robert Smith was a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , they were encouraged to free all their slaves by mormons, but Robert didn't want to take part so he and his family and his slaves moved to San Bernardino California.
The church is a hierarchy that is lead by the priesthood. In order to receive the priesthood, one must be male. In The Proclamation, it says about men “By divine design fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families” (lds.org). The word preside means to have authority over something, in this case the family. Since the church is a similitude of the family, almost all the leaders are men. The only general leadership positions held by women are in the individual youth and children organization, and Relief Society, the leading women’s organization in the church. When The Proclamation talks about mothers its say “Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children” (lds.org).To many, this is a negative claim and sits as a point of opposition from feminist groups. Till this day, the gender roles of men and women continue to be debated in the Mormons church, and society.
Racial discrimination in this time period was a very crucial issue. This case should have never happened. Why were these men murdered for fighting for what they believed in? The civil rights act of 1964 was a prime example of what should have been done before these men were murdered and all of these executions might have been prevented. To this day racial segregation, religion and other forms of discrimination still go on but something is being done about it. Innocent people are not being murdered because of three men who lost their lives due to discrimination. Even though these men are gone it is because of their death that people are still fighting for equality.
A tragic hero can be described as a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is
Jim Jones is known today for the cruel and unlawful acts he forced upon hundreds of innocent people. This date in history “remains the only time in which a U.S. congressman was killed in the line of duty.” “On November 18, 1978, People’s Temple leader Jim Jones” ordered an abundance of people to commit a “suicide act” by drinking poisoned fruit punch (Rosenberg).