The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock Among The Women

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With particular reference to ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, do you think that Eliot’s employment of symbolism obscures the message of his poetry?
The original title of the poem was ‘Prufrock Among the Women’. (Addresses the message of the poetry- WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN)
The original title of the poem was ‘Prufrock Among the Women.’ This initial title addresses the message of T.S Eliot’s poetry as it engages with both the fear of rejection and the ephemeral essence of life. The alteration

J Alfred Prufrock feels incapable of making any decisive action. The dramatic monologue depicts his on-going flow of thoughts, which revolve mainly around life and death and his fear of rejection. Alternatively, it can be argued that T.S Eliot is taking us on a literal journey and letting us, the audience “go and make our visit” travelling to an unknown, yet seedy destination- a specific time and place, uncovering the inequalities within society with genuine intent rather than spouting an uninterrupted flow of thoughts and feelings, which quickly pass through his mind. …show more content…

Prufrock simply cannot appreciate the romance of the evening sky, due to his innate restrictions with women. The symbolic imagery of a patient being etherised on a table suggests Prufrock’s complacency and impotence. Alternatively, the potent anaesthetic indicates Prufrock’s state in life as he is aware that he is growing older yet fails to comprehend how short-lived life is. He also neglects any potential opportunities with women. Therefore, it can be argued that Prufrock is actually rendered unconscious in life. The symbolism within the opening lines do not obscure the message of Eliot’s poetry as it encourages people to live their life to the fullest and “dare to eat a

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