The Little Mermaid Research Paper

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This essay is about the Little Mermaid. Here you will read an overview about the Disney movie To later compare it with the original fairytale on which its based. You will also be able to analyze the setting, clothing and characters that you love.

The Disney version of the Little Mermaid is adapted in a way that can be enjoyed by all ages from the youngest child to the oldest men, it has a foolproof vocabulary, which makes you understand it and enjoy it without putting too much effort. It has been adapted in books, movies and even video games! Making it more accessible to the public. On the original version of the fairytale, you can see that you need a higher vocabulary and reading comprehension to understand it. Also you can only read the fairytale, there are no movies nor video games or anything, because of the year it was made. Some parents would also argue about letting children read it, because of its content.

On the Disney movie The Little Mermaid you can clearly observe the year it takes place because of the clothing and can infer that was on an European country because of the skin and hair color, buildings and traditions seen through the …show more content…

Clothes used in Africa won't be the same that you use in Russia. Just like during the winter you may use heavy jackets and during summer a strapless dress. Dress code and garments are also influenced by the place you are at, obviously you won't use the same things on church than on a soccer game. As the years pass by, people are less and less reserved about the quantity of skin they show while dressing. It can be inferred that in a cold place for instance, Denmark on the years 1800's people used long dresses with long sleeves. This influenced the movie because it made the characters use that type of clothing but with more vivid and appealing colors, to meet the Disney requirements of animation and traits, that make you recognize it

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