The Leisure and Recreation Industry

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The Leisure and Recreation Industry

The leisure and recreation industry is an industry, which has grown

and affected the economy in a big way. The industry is one of the

fastest growing industries in the UK.

The leisure and recreation is defined in many ways for example leisure

is referred to the time spent outside employment and other essential

activities such as sleeping. Recreation, where as referred to the type

of activities undertaken during leisure time?

The leisure and recreation industry can be described as a whole range

of activities taken in people's free time.

The central distinctions between the different types of leisure


Active - this is when an activity is more demanding (for example

playing a sport walking)

Passive - this is when an activity undertaken is not a physical

activity (for example reading, listening to music)

Home based leisure is when a leisure activity is undertaken at home

and non home-based leisure is when an activity involves leaving the

home e.g. going to the cinema.

The development of the leisure and recreation industry


In this industry society has seen technological developments along

side the changing consumer needs over the past forty years to produce

today's huge consumer needs demands for leisure and recreation

products and services. However in the 1940's people were restricted to

what was available due to the war so people just undertook home based

leisure activities such as reading play games listening to the radio

at this time all of these activities where very popular, after the war

the leisure industry began to develop. Another factor that took a toll

on the industry was that people were restricted to what they could do

in their leisure time.

- Not many people had personal transport

- Cleaning the house took longer which consumed up more time

- People were limited to holidays and free time

- Not many people could afford to spend their income on leisure

However 50 years later there have been some major changes in the way

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