The Influence Of Tattoos

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It was not too long ago that I got my first tattoo. I wanted a tattoo for so long and when my eighteenth birthday came around I was finally allowed to get one. I remember how excited I was to have one and show it off. I thought to myself this tattoo is now a part of me, it expresses my individuality, and I was proud of it. I would show my tattoo off whenever I could and all the reactions from family, friends, even complete strangers were positive. I realized how fortunate I was to have a tattoo in this day and age because positive views and acceptance of this modification have not always been common in the society we live in. In the past, America has had negative views about tattoos, and the change from what tattoos meant and were used for in the past to what they are today did not happen over night. A couple decades ago having a tattoo could have put me into categories like unitelligent, criminal, or freak. People wouldn't care to get to know me, I would be in freak shows and circuses with the other tattooed people, and the American society wouldn't see my tattoo as a form of expression or originality. Luckily in recent years tattoos have seen an increase in popularity. Today, tattoos are becoming more mainstream and more is being done to show tattooed and non-tattooed people are no different than one another. Tattoos should no longer be seen as something negative, and that those with tattoos are different or rebellious and irresponsible. Instead tattoos should be looked at artistically and seen as something creative and positive. The positive views and increased popularity of tattoos in American society today are because of influences from popular tattoo tv shows and celebrities, and changes in the workforce allowing more peop... ... middle of paper ... ...0s and 60s caused women to be noticeably absent from the tattoo scene” (Random History 2008). This gap during the 50s and 60s, when women could not get tattoos or it was frowned upon for them to have one, has caused women with tattoos today to be viewed more negative than their male conterparts, especially in the workforce. The workforce in the past has always had a strong stance about not hiring people with tattoos. While there are many reasons as to why tattoos are popular, the main reason consists of the increase in media attention, and changes in the workforce allowing more people with tattoos to be employed. Decades ago tattoos were considered bad, as they portrayed rebels and outcasts; however, the truth is that tattoos are a social trend today and there many reasons such as expression, memorials, and sense of individuality for why people tattoo themselves.

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