The Increase in Violence

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The Increase in Violence

In the year 2000 there are many problems with society. One of the biggest and most controllable is the issue of violence. Although we are subjected to violence everyday by simply turning on the news, other forms of violence for entertainment can be censored.

This is the type of violence that is corrupting the minds of today's youth and destroying

the change for a peaceful future. In today's society violence is saturating the minds of

children and people must learn to become involved in the problem before it is integrated

into cultures around the world.

Due to the fact that violence is everywhere, people accept it because they

are constantly being exposed to it. It has become a reprehensible part of society. On

many television shows and movies the characters approach their problems in a violent

manner. When people view these shows they deduce that violence is an effective way to

go about solving a problem. Children especially have a misconception that violence is

requisite. ?Children?s television shows contain about 20 violent acts and hour? (Children

and Television Violence 1). Children?s minds are still in a developing stage when they are

young and as they grow older. Therefore, if they are constantly watching violent shows

they will develop a violent mentality. As these children grow into adulthood it is most

likely that they will display the violent behavior they have been watching. ?59 percent of

those who watch an above average amount of violence on television as children are

involved in more than the average number of such aggressive incidents as later in life?

( Children and Television 2). Along with television shows and movies there is also

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... realize that most of the scenes are not reality and should not be imitated. Children

who can?t distinguish between fantasy and reality shouldn?t be exposed to violence. In

order to accomplish this parents must take a stand. Parents must censor what their

children watch and teach them right from wrong. People must realize that children are the

future of our country. If they grow up in a violent society the years to come will be even

more violent. In the past the world has flirted with annihilation and it is up to today?s

youth to set the standards of what tomorrow will be like. Without a peaceful childhood

one cannot grow up to be a level-headed individual.

Works Cited

?Children and Television Violence?. Online. Internet. 25 May 2000. Available

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