The Importance of Effective Interpersonal Communication in Organizations

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Communication is an important skill for people to have in an organization. Through the interpersonal communication (communication between two or more people) process, people can exchange information, create motivation, express feelings or apply penalties for inappropriate behavior, all within the workplace (Robbins, et al, 2009). According to Eunson (2008) people who lack communication skills in the organization should be trained to deal with different situation that involve communicating effectively. In response to Eunson (2008), this essay aims to prove why interpersonal communication is an important skill to have and how organisation can train employees and managers to use these skills within the workplace. Additionally, the essay will address the benefits managers can gain through different communication training regimes to employee teams and the effects of the training. On a last note, an example of effective communication through managerial strategies is discussed and the implications this plays on the employees’ performance.

Communication is an important skill to have because it allows for the exchange of information through people either inside or outside the organisation through the manager ability to direct, supervise and motivate employees (Dwyer, 2005). By being able to have effective communication skills in the workplace, a manager is able to delegate the roles and responsibilities of the employees. This can lead to less ambiguity in the workplace and greater confidence in the employees’ attitude to handling different situations. For example, employees that are well-informed because of the manager communication skills can develop creative ideas, plan better or even redesign jobs (Robbins, et al, 2009).

Moreover, ma...

... middle of paper ... anyone until the composure is back. For example, an employee who is trained to detect emotional cues would be able to perceive when their manager is approachable to discuss an idea or not.

Looking for Non-verbal Signals: Through the detection of the non-verbal cues, a person is able to see when a verbal message is incongruent to the non-verbal counterpart, when communicating with another person such as an employee or manager being trained in non-verbal cues and adjusting their message when incongruence appear in the receiver to get the desired results across (pp. 353-355).

Through the use of training that an organisation can provide to their staff in terms of offering interpersonal communication techniques previously indicated, managers and employees alike would be able to rationalise the different communication situations and adjust their message accordingly.

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