The Importance Of Servicescape

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In the present scenario, the focus of the service businesses including restaurants and bars, hotels, hospitals, banking, consultancy firms etc, has not just been to provide best quality service or product to the customers, but to enhance the overall customer experience. Therefore, to enhance the overall level of customer experience, the management needs to consider the entire service environment. This service environment is known as the servicescape. Servicescape is the physical environment of an organization encompassing several different elements, such as layout, design and décor of the store. The servicescape also includes aspects of atmospherics, such as temperature, lighting, colors, music and scent (Bitner 1992, Namasivayam and Lin, 2008). The servicescape is the outward appearance of the organization and can be critical in forming initial impression or setting up customer expectations (Anand, 2008). Service setting plays a crucial role in shaping expectations, differentiating service firms, facilitating customer expectations and influencing the nature of customer experiences (Bitner, 1992)
To make more people to come into the library, the librarians must properly manage their service environment to effectively market their services and products. This shows the importance of the servicescape in all …show more content…

According to Booms and Bitner (1990), “the servicescape is an environment in which the service is assembled and in which the seller and customer interact, combined with tangible commodities that facilitate performance or communication of the service.” A servicescape is considered to encompass design factors (e.g., layout, furnishings and décor), ambient conditions (e.g., lighting, and temperature) and social interaction among and between the customers and employees (Baker, 1987; Bitner, 1992; Sherry,

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