The Importance Of Project Management: The Art Of Project Management

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Today, the business environment has become more challenging and dynamic as a result of rapid development in technology and globalization, where it has become more important than ever to individual organizations to provide their fullest commitment, take correct decisions and actions to stay ahead of the industry competition and to achieve their goals.
Successful completion of goals and objectives are brought up by proper planning, budgeting and utilization of available scarce resources to its optimum level and for this the management of the companies should understand the role that project management plays in business, how supportive it is and place it at the core of their business processes.
Simply a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result and it’s a collection of team work, planning, time management, budget management and leadership where every single person in the team must understand the scope of the project and their responsibilities towards the project. For a project to be deemed successful, project targets should be achieved while exceeding or reaching client/customer expectations within budgets and within the given time scale and it’s never easy to be profitable, being customer focused, competitive and productive at the same time and here is the place where the management of the organizations recognize and must recognize project management as a building blocks and a supportive tool of project success.
Project management is the art of understanding the requirements of a project; identify the deliverables that provide the solutions within tighter budgets, scarce resources, time constraints with top quality outc...

... middle of paper ... is properly and timely applied it will end up having desired project outcomes with profits to the business, but if project management is poorly applied to the project process it will result negative consequences and a small drop in effectiveness can put a company at a distinct competitive disadvantage while it could damage the reputation of the company as well.
As a conclusion for the role that project management plays in today’s business environment, one thing that every single project manager and every single company that uses project management as a supportive tool for projects should bear in mind that successful project management techniques will contribute to the achievement of desired project outcomes, but project management will not stop a project from failing to success it will only enhance the success of the project to a greater limit.

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