Applying theory into today’s nursing practice takes place when the nurse can understand and appreciate the theory's value (Health Compliance Passport, 2014). The nurse is educated and precise in their ability to apply the skills and knowledge into practice. The nurse’s ability to organize principles, evaluate the patient, develop a plan of care and implement the theory into the healing process (Health Compliance Passport, 2014). All theories are different, but very similar in their own way once broken down. The nurse must critically think and apply her knowledge base of nursing practice and nursing theory.
Theories in the 1980’s had much to do with transition, conditions, attainment and uncertainty. All of which are incorporated into nursing
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In 2007 one theorists identified and explained an aspect of concept and nursing (George, 2011). The concept identifies the central domain within nursing, meaning that nursing consists of parts, such as: the nursing client, the nurse/client transitions, nursing process, the nursing client environment, and the therapeutic and health aspects of nursing (George, 2011). Theories of the 1990s developed a nursing illness trajectory frame work of chronic illness, the theory of caring, and comfort. These progression phases presents themselves in everyday nursing. Chronic illness nursing model consists of eight different trajectory phases guiding the care path for the nurse and patient during plan of care (George, 2011). The nurse will research and develop a chronic illness trajectory framework, and implement the nursing model to help emphasis on health promotion for the patient. George, 2011).
The nurse needs to be aware of the nursing process of the chronic illness trajectory, in order to apply this theory into practice. The nursing process consists of six phases such as: assessment, diagnosis, outcomes, identification, planning, implementation and evaluation (George, 2011). All of which are successful while caring for patients no matter the severity or phase they are in on the illness trajectory
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The Chronic Illness Trajectory Framework is a detailed, well explained model of phases. If the nurses is unable to concept the thought process of this framework, they’ll struggle with following this model and appropriately shaping the patients illness (George, 2011).
Incorporating these theories into the everyday practice of nurses has developed a stronger and more advanced nursing discipline. The knowledge that the theorists shared strengthens the fundamentals of nursing concepts, values and beliefs that is being taught to each and every nursing generation to come. As a nurse, and someone who has sustained sleepless nights providing bedside care to the weak, frail and dying, practicing nursing through the components of nursing models in order reach an over all goal has been my struggle. Without theories, nursing would not be as advanced as it is scientifically, which would not benefit the
The nursing profession is considered both an art and a science. An example of the science of nursing is the theory and evidence based practice guidelines (EBP), which influence a nurses practice. The art of nursing is fluid of bringing science and patient care into nursing practice. Nurses in all levels of nursing educational programs should study nursing theory. According to Eun-Ok (2015) theory evaluation has declined and it is essential to developing nursing knowledge; which, leads to the development of nursing discipline. Nursing theory should be continually evolving as current health care trends evolve. The best way to accomplish this is through incorporating theory in academia and nursing
Parker M. E., & Smith M. C. (2010). Nursing theories and nursing practice (3rd ed.).
Walsh, M. (2001) Models and Critical Pathways in Clinical Nursing. Conceptual Frameworks for Care Planning. Bailliere Tindall
Theory’s responsibility is to provide nurses with standards that reinforce practice, as well as, for future nursing understanding and delivery. Basically, it provides nursing professionals with a tested way of thought on how to handle certain situations with proven results. The importance of nursing theories to nursing research is the knowledge offered gives nurses the foundation for communicating with others and best practice. Middle range theory according to McEwen & Wills (2011, p 35) are theories that have concrete concepts, that are specific, incorporate a measured number of concepts and characteristics of the real world and are tested for accuracy.
Nursing theories developed by scientists provide a framework for the process of establishing nursing as a profession with a specific body of knowledge including nursing language, and nurse is able to communicate inside in and outside of the profession. Theory supports and defines nursing practice and is used in practice situation to provide solution to the problem, provides guidelines in patient’s quality care, and helps to resolve nursing challenges. The benefits of middle-range theories found primarily in the research studies to address particular client population, in education, patient
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2011). Theoretical basis for nursing (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Nursing theory is an important part of the nursing profession. Nursing theory serves as a guide to assessment, intervention and evaluation of patient care. Theory provides the basis, or framework, of the nursing profession and helps to show the unique qualities of the profession (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2015). Nursing is a profession that’s guided by structure, discipline and dedication. Nursing theory provides criteria by
Nursing theories are actions care that a nurse provides to a patient to prevent a sickness, maintain and promote health. Many of the theorists contribute to a frame work or a blueprint of how nurses should provide care to patients. Many these theories are part of nursing care and most of them they go hand in hand. Nursing theory aims to describe, predict and explain the phenomenon of nursing (Chinn and Jacobs1978).Nursing is apprehensive with laws and principles governing the life processes and functioning of sick or well human beings. Nursing theories are beneficial in understanding the knowledge of nursing and its application (Smith and Liehr, 2008).
Paradigm is a sum of a person’s belief as well as the understandings of any facts and experience that he/she comes across. In nursing science, the paradigm addresses the most abstract set of central concepts include: the person, environment, health, and nurse perception towards a patient. For the nurse, paradigm creates a nursing frame work that “provides comprehensive perspective for nursing practice” (Alligood, 2014, p.45). Nursing theories are developed from this frame work and these theories are the guiding structures of nursing practice, postulate the focus for the delivery of nursing care, critical thinking, and decision making. These theories may develop from “a philosophy, a nursing model, a more abstract nursing theory, or a framework from another discipline” (Alligood, 2014, p.43).
One of the theories of nursing is Dorothea Orem’s self-care theory, also called the self-care deficit theory. Nursing theories are important for several reasons. The profession is strengthened when knowledge is built on sound theory (Black, 2014). Theory is important for reasoning, thinking, decision-making, and supporting excellence in practice (Black, 2014). Dorothea Orem’s theory is a conceptual model that provides a structure for critical thinking in the nursing process (Black, 2014). A conceptual model provides a comprehensive and holistic perspective of nursing (Black, 2014). Orem published her theory in 1959 and continued to develop her model, eventually formalizing three interrelated theories: theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, and theory of nursing system (Black, 2014). The focus of Orem’s model is the patient’s self-care capacity. The process helps to design a nursing process specific to each patient that will provide for the self-care deficit of the patient (Black, 2014). Self-care deficits exist when the patient has limitations and the self-care requirement is greater than he patient’s capacity (Manzini & Simonetti, 2009).
Nursing theory can be applied to resolve nursing problems or issues, irrespective of the field of practice. A nursing theory benefits nurses and the patients that are in his or her charge. . Depending on the issue or problem that is needed to be solved determines what theory needs to be used. Nursing theory started with Florence Nightingale. She believed that a clean environment would promote better health. Virginia Henderson’s need theory emphasizes the need to ensure that the patient’s independence is being increased while in a health care facility. Ensuring that a patient can increase his or her independence allows for them to experience better outcomes upon discharge home. This is just two examples of nursing theories that were used
The nursing process is one of the most fundamental yet crucial aspects of the nursing profession. It guides patient care in a manner that creates an effective, safe, and health promoting process. The purpose and focus of this assessment paper is to detail the core aspects of the nursing process and creating nursing diagnoses for patients in a formal paper. The nursing process allows nurses to identify a patient’s health status, their current health problems, and also identify any potential health risks the patient may have. The nursing process is a broad assessment tool that can be applied to every patient but results in an individualized care plan tailored to the most important needs of the patient. The nurse can then implement this outcome oriented care plan and then evaluate and modify it to fit the patient’s progress (Taylor, C. R., Lillis, C., LeMone, P., & Lynn, P., 2011). The nursing process prioritizes care, creates safety checks so that essential assessments are not missing, and creates an organized routine, allowing nurses to be both efficient and responsible.
According to Smith and Parker (2010), nursing theories are the practical guidelines that help nurses to have a specific pattern of thinking as they practice effective delivery of care every day and improve the patient outcome. Alligood (2003), also states that when nurses use a theoretical approach in their nursing process, it increases their knowledge and thereby helps the growth of nursing discipline.
Walker, L. O. & Avant, K. C. (2011). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
The model is used as a management instrument for professional care. The nursing process in the trajectory model, identify trajectory phase, establish goals and identify problems, plans to meet goals, identify factors that able and hinder goal achievement, implement interventions. The model helps nurses become familiar with patient’s perspective (Corbin, 2013).