The Importance Of Humility In Leadership And Leadership

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Before I start on the importance of Humility, I want to start with its definition “Humility is the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources or use your influence for the good of others before yourself” In this book it talks about the importance of humility in leadership and life. I will be discussing what humility means and how to achieve it, and its importance to leadership.
To posses humility you need to be able to have self-control and be self-aware. Below is an example of self-deception. People that do not have the ability to have humility:
A mother somehow manages not to notice the obvious signs that her son is on drugs. A wife does the same with respect to her husband’s affair. All of the evidence is easily available. …show more content…

My favorite example from the book is when John Dickson and his friends wanted to meet Bono from the band US, so they devised a plan to meet him at his hotel. Not only did they get in, but also they met him and talked to him and some of his band members. Bono didn’t have to talk to them; he expressed humility by deploying his resources for the good of others. Bono’s humility influenced the John and his friends to start their own band and go after their dreams. Bono made them feel like they could relate to him and inspired them to go after their …show more content…

Humility is common sense. What we don’t know far exceeds what we do know. Expertise in one area does account for another” (Dickson 2011) this is why common sense is so important. Humility is good in leadership, because when you posse humility you are humble enough to know that you do not know everything and you are more likely to listen to others and change things that need help. Humility can help you confront your mistakes and with a humble view of yourself you can grow through the advice and know you accept from others. “The humble place is the generate place, it’s the place of flourishing” (Dickson, 2011). When you work for a humble boss or company you will have the opportunity to work with people that are there to flourish you to be the best you can. A humble boss will put your needs above their

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