The Importance Of Fine Arts In Education

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High schools can enhance a student's educational pathway by requiring fine arts classes as a graduation requirement. The beneficial aspects of requiring fine arts classes will promote educational success, trigger discovery in one's inner self-worth, and acquaint the society surrounding the students.
The implementation of fine arts classes will stimulate educational growth by boosting a student's brain activity. Social skills, thinking skills, and the motivation to learn are a few of the characteristics acquired that will trigger success among high schools students. Numerous studies have shown that music, painting, drawing, sculpture, and theater classes correlate to the improvement in academics. According to a 2002 report that looked over sixty-two different studies from 100 researchers, the Arts Education …show more content…

According to an article written by Robin Pogrebin on NY Times, "Students who study the arts are taught to see better, to envision, to persist, to be playful and learn from mistakes, to make critical judgements, and justify such judgments." (Progrebin, Robin). The arts enables students to be more open minded and open to suggestions. "Learning through fine arts promotes the idea that there is more than one solution to a problem, or more than one answer to a question," Elliot Eisner, a Professor Emeritus of Education at Stanford University, stated (Progrebin, Robin). With the requirement of fine arts classes, students will be given the opportunity to step out of the box and try something new. These new potential uprising wouldn't occur in other courses, such as math and chemistry, because students have been instructed to figure out and solve problems in a certain way. With fine arts classes, there is not a certain way to get to a solution. There are many different pathways a student could take to find a

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