The Importance Of Extrinsic Motivation

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Motivation can be defined as one’s direction and action to behavior. To be motivated means to be moved to do something (Ryan & Deci, 2000), also a person who feels activated and ambitious toward an end is considered motivated, whereas someone who feels inspiration to do something is characterized as unmotivated. Rather, there are different kinds of motivation, such as extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation and amotivation. In this article, the dominant areas I would like to research are about extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, which directly related to students’ performance in school.
In our life, a concern from many parents and teachers is how to motivate student to learn, especially for students who ranging in age from
I designed an interview study for graduate students were in the education class in Heidelberg University. My goals were to find what are the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation that drives them to pursue the master degree and if the overall motivation change over from freshman to senior. Also, I want to find are the positive or negative in students’ life. This sample comprised a total of 7 students, which were in their first year or last year of master’s degree. Consequently, my core interview questions included: (1) What are the extrinsic motivations that drives you to purse master degree? (2) What are the intrinsic motivations? (3) Do you think your overall motivations changed from freshman to senior in your graduate career? Please pinpoint. (4) Do you still believe that extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are positive or negative for
In addition, 5/7 of interviewees believe that find a job as predominant extrinsic motivation that drives them to pursue higher education.
My parents support me all the time, I think to pursue master degree that will help me to get better job and will be easy to get one relatively.
I am a worker in factory and often in service occupation. As extrinsic motivation, I think I want to get better job that directly related to my master degree and its interest for me.
3/7 students believe that they want to prove themselves and to be first graduate person in their family as the result to pursue higher education. Rather, 2/7 of participants also think that to explore the interesting and fresh things are their extrinsic motivations.
My guidance-counsellor was wrong and he did not believe me, to be graduate students is my dream and I could prove myself is better.
Looking my parents, both of them just got high school diploma and I want to be first person among my family and lets the parents are proud of

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