The Importance Of Effective Communication With Children

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Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children because it will aid them in learning and developing. Effective communication can be used to help support children and build their confidence. It is also important to help the children feel stable, unaxious, at ease and to show the children you are dependable. In addition to this it is important to use effective communication with children in order to give them clear instructions and to teach them effective communication which they can then use themselves, which with help them to develop positive relationships with others as well as with you.
Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with young people because it will help the young people to feel respected and it will aid them in being respectful to others. It will show young people that their opinions mean something and they are valued. In addition to this as with children it will show young people that you are dependable and they are worth listening to which help to build a positive relationship. It is also important as it can give young people a sense of self worth and provide them with the tools to progress through life.
As with children and young people effective communication is important in building positive relationships …show more content…

In addition to this you will want to be able to give clear and easily understood information or instruction to enable the children to understand what it is that you are trying to convey. A good way of checking the children have understood the information or instruction is to request that they repeat it back to you. Another principle is to make sure you are actively listening to the children in order to show them that what they are saying is valued and matters. You will also want to be respectful so that the children can learn to be respectful to

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