The Importance Of Art Education

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Many people fail to recognize the importance of Art education within schools for their benefits on the students are tremendous. It is a sad reality when school systems decide to cut back or redirect funds from art programs just because they are electives. In the past, there have been many ways how this problem was dealt with, some include: petitions, riots, taking people to court, etc. These methods of solving this and many other problems work, but only to a certain degree. Only time will tell when people in power decide to poke at the solved problem once more.
After doing research on the topic of how to save Art education within schools, I have come to the conclusion that creating a petition to stop budget-cuts on Art education is the best method to solve this problem. Petitions are easy to fill out, they do not create violent situations, and they definitely do not require the signer to be walking under the hot sun with a picket sign. Like everything, there is a negative aspect to petitions; the amount of time to get an allotted amount of signatures is a lot. With that being said, seeing that this is the only negative there is, a petition, in my eyes is the best way to save Art education within schools.
Burba states “The attempt at cutting funding for arts education stems all the way from the federal level. The 2006 Fiscal Year Education Budget Summary is just one example. In the summary, it is proposed to make a cut of 35.6 million dollars in art education” (Burba 1). Through petitions, we can save the diminishing funds and classes that the public school system is eliminating for Art education. Many people forget how easy it is to just simply sign a petition and save something that is truly beneficial to the student body. Many ...

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...s more than just a job, it’s a life style that a person selects to live by. Through the Arts, you can be changed and change the lives of many people. Through Dance, you gain better understanding about your body, through music, you learn to appreciate what you hear each and every day. Through drawing and painting, you learn to see life from a different point of view because of how reality can be so different within the mind of the creator of the portrait. I ask of you, the reader for a favor, please support the Arts. The Arts are beautiful in every way, shape, and form for they leave someone wanting more since their first experience. You never know when one day when your son or daughter will decide to become an artist, or when you need the beneficial effects of the Arts given to yourself. The Arts are beautiful, embrace your inner artist and help others to do so too!

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