The Importance Of Anxiety

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Everybody has a day where it all just seems to be too much. Whether you just have had a bad day and are feeling overwhelmed or you struggle with anxiety regularly, dealing with it can all be the same. It is important to know ways to help battle these feelings safely. Being well informed can make a big difference when it comes to dealing with your own anxiety or even helping a friend through a panic attack. You must be careful; it is not uncommon when fighting anxiety to bring about more stress. Anxiety is a constant struggle but with the right tools it can be manageable. The easiest and quickest way to try and relax your body is simply taking a deep breath and closing your eyes. It can be very easy to find yourself stressed out and not focusing, once this happens it is hard to remember that you are okay and this moment will not last forever. Our minds begin to race with thoughts of the worst possible scenarios. Becoming anxious is the result of many things, everybody is different with various triggers. If you do become overwhelmed, take a minute to think about where you are, close your eyes, breath in deep and count to ten. You may be able to relax enough to gather your thoughts and finish your task without any worries. It some cases it is not that simple but there are many …show more content…

Many factors that you may not even realize are affecting you mentally can have a tremendous toll on you. It is very important that you spend a lot of time focusing on yourself. Get a good amount of sleep at night and eating healthy can actually help combat these feelings more than you would imagine. Add some relaxing hobbies to your everyday to do list, yoga and meditation are good ways to relax yourself daily. Caffeine and alcohol can cause panic attacks and or increase your feelings of

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