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Mathematics in life
Characteristics of an effective mathematics teacher
Characteristics of an effective mathematics teacher
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Recommended: Mathematics in life
For some reason, you want to know about my math life. It's about as interesting as my social life, which is pretty non-existent (this is my attempt at humor. I’m trying, I really am). I took Algebra 1 Honors at Frost in 7th grade. My teacher was Ms. Healy. I liked her as a teacher because she taught efficiently and she was funny. I took Geometry Honors at Frost in 8th grade; my teacher was Mrs. Beach. I hated Geometry mostly because I had an awful teacher. I ended up teaching myself from the textbook. I took Algebra 2 honors because I didn't feel like taking a regular course because I have some sort of dignity I feel I have the need to maintain. I've always liked math to some extent, so I chose honors. In Algebra 2 Honors, I hope to get at
During my early education, meaning elementary school and middle school, I was a very average student. I gave an average amount of effort to my grades, and I received above average results. This did not bother me, until the end of my 8th-grade year. At this point in the year, I was filling out what classes I desired to take the following year, my freshman year. I realized that from this point forward, I had to take my education much more serious, in order to get accepted to whichever college I desired. therefore, when planning my classes, I decided to challenge myself more than I ever have in the past, and take multiple honors courses. I assumed because of my grades, that I had what it took to be an honors-level student, but I was very wrong. One teacher, Mrs. Johnson, made me realize the kind of effort, time and energy needed to be devoted to my education.
College readiness is the main focus point for high school students. Becoming that person that is able to achieve the highest potential in a certain area and obtain a degree is what each student aims for. However, for all that to occur one should be able to have the opportunities to help him or her reach the goals that have been set. The lack of AP classes that our school does not offer interferes with that. Our school offers eleven out of the forty AP classes that are available. In addition, some of the AP classes do not end up running because of the school policy of having a certain amount of students placed in it. The importance of AP classes is increasing when one fills out an application for his or her desired university. Having AP classes listed down on an application for a university enhances a student 's application. Colleges want to see that you have challenged yourself to the best of your ability, and that you were able to handle the college level coursework (hubpages).
After his visit to a Shell Research Laboratory, my high school teacher in math told us in class that he was so happy with his education, because mathematics had helped him to understand the explanations and demonstrations that had been given by the Shell researchers. He said, "If you master mathematics then you can understand everything." That was certainly an exaggeration, but it nevertheless sounded like a golden message. Since I definitely wanted to have a better understanding of what was going on around me, mathematics seemed the obvious way to go. Also, if it was not much beyond high school math, then it was pretty easy in addition. What could one wish more? So I enrolled in every advanced math class offered in our high school. Pretty soon I discovered that mathematics was much more than a set of principles that helped one to solve intellectual riddles. It was not a finished system that one could aim to master after some limited time, but it was really a way of thinking, a means of expressing creativity: endless, an old established science, but still fresh and with undiscovered green meadows, nearby and far away.
Originally, I was born in Afghanistan in 1994. Shortly after the Taliban took over the country which forced my family to flee the country into Pakistan. After my father passed away in Pakistan, my family sought refuge in the United States in 2001. As an Afghan, coming to America, I had to learn everything from English to the cultural norms. In the beginning, it had been difficult because I did not understand the language. Every day, I would go to school and return back crying because I just sit in classes and not comprehend a single thing. But luckily mathematics is a universal language. I quickly grasped it and enjoyed going to school to learn. I started to help other students with mathematics. This allowed me to befriend people and
If the messages I get at home and in the community second my adolescent thoughts on algebra, it is an easy path to forego it. And if I don’t pass it, maybe I’m held back and begin that downward spiral of underachievement.
Growing up in a competitive academic environment with a rigorous class schedule, I am familiar with the demands that advanced classes require. While participating in the Honors College at the University of Arkansas this semester, I am taking two honors classes and can clearly notice the difference in rigor between the two honors classes and the rest of my schedule. I strive to be able to challenge myself by taking even more honors classes at Texas Tech in order to not only learn more but to continue developing my sense of self-discipline and perseverance. Both in high school and at the University of Arkansas my advanced and honors classes included a much smaller class size, which helped tremendously in learning and truly understanding the material.
Throughout my high school and even middle school careers, I've always been looking to push myself and do everything that I can. Perhaps it is driven by the spite that must fill many women headed into male-dominated fields, or maybe it is the empathy and responsibility I feel towards people who have fewer resources than I do. I’ve cultivated my math skills throughout the five years I’ve spent on school math teams, and I can truly say that I’m proud of the growth I’ve made
I am Trang Vu, a student with Business Administration/Accounting major at Los Angeles Southwest College and West Los Angeles College. I have attending at Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) at two campuses above since the spring semester 2014. I feel I am a lucky student because I already knew which my major I would go for before attending colleges. I decided to choose Accounting as my major I realized that I am attracted and amazed by numbers, graphs and stories covered behind them. Since I was a high school student, Mathematics and Physics always had special appeal to me than other subjects. I enjoyed lectures and played with the numbers, I got excited when I was able to find solutions for difficult Math problems and graph the movements of neutrons. I even went on YouTube
Have you heard about SFUSD taking away algebra from eighth grade curriculums? Well, that means us, class of 2018, will not be learning about algebra in math next year. Ever since 2013, SFUSD stopped teaching algebra in eighth grade due to common core curriculums. Therefore, algebra has been pushed to be learned in high schools. SFUSD should consider adding algebra to their eighth grade curriculum because it prepares us for high school and college, so it doesn't hold students back in high school, and certain families may face financial hardships for having to pay for their child's summer school course.
Throughout my life I have always put as much effort as I could into everything I did and my reward would be success, but in the summer of 2015 I learned otherwise. When I chose Loyola as the institution at which I would develop as a young man, I knew that the hardest challenge I would ever face was ahead of me. Although there are many great elementary and junior high schools, not many prepare you for the challenges that will be faced at Loyola. In my situation, my elementary school did not prepare me for math, so when I arrived at Loyola I had to find a way to get ahead or equal with my classmates. I learned the only way to achieve this was by taking summer geometry here at Loyola. I consulted with many people before taking
At an early age, I knew that I had a unique fervor for mathematical problems. I can remember back to when I was doing multiplication problems my mother had given me with sidewalk chalk, to first grade when I was asked to start reading the flashcards with simple arithmetic problems because I kept beating all the other students, and to the plane ride to Florida when I practiced long division problems. It was clear that I enjoyed mathematics as a child, and I continue to retain an intrinsic love for this wonderful and extraordinary science. However, my mathematical ability was not fully developed until I had the privilege of being taught by a quite outstanding teacher: Luke Beall.
As a secondary subject, society often views mathematics a critical subject for students to learn in order to be successful. Often times, mathematics serves as a gatekeeper for higher learning and certain specific careers. Since the times of Plato, “mathematics was virtually the first thing everyone has to learn…common to all arts, science, and forms of thought” (Stinson, 2004). Plato argued that all students should learn arithmetic; the advanced mathematics was reserved for those that would serve as the “philosopher guardians” of the city (Stinson, 2004). By the 1900s in the United States, mathematics found itself as a cornerstone of curriculum for students. National reports throughout the 20th Century solidified the importance of mathematics in the success of our nation and its students (Stinson, 2004). As a mathematics teacher, my role to educate all students in mathematics is an important one. My personal philosophy of mathematics education – including the optimal learning environment and best practices teaching strategies – motivates my teaching strategies in my personal classroom.
Being a successful student and achieving continued academic success is fundamental in order to complete an associate degree and become a successful professional. College is challenging, but it can be a rewarding growth experience and easier when setting up goals. Having educational and career goals helps students keep the focus and motivation. Besides, having knowledge of different learning styles can help students learn about themselves and increase efficiency while studying. Writing skills learned in college are also a powerful tool for both academic and career success. The campus is a great place to find tools to succeed and achieve continued academic success. It is also important to keep academic honesty as a good habit and as a value of integrity throughout college and later on in the professional environment.
You have been in my life ever I’ve been in kindergarten. Every time I learn about you my teachers are horrible. For some reason, I believe math teachers are cursed with some poisonous potion that makes them cruel and horrifying. When I was in third grade, my first day of school was awesome. We all got to know each other and we spent the day drawing and writing about our summer. I thought my teacher was nice until we started to get working. A week past by and we started to do some math. At that point she changed from a blooming tulip to vine of poison ivy ready to infect someone. I thought to myself what could have caused such an enormous change in such a small time. It finally got to me: math.
My overall impressions about math are mostly positive. Math is a subject that always came very easy to me when I was in grade school. I think I enjoyed it mostly because I was good at it. I was always ahead of my class when it came to math, so I took math courses a grade ahead of me from the time I was in the fourth grade. By my seventh grade year I was taking a high school Algebra I course. I continued at an accelerated pace from my eighth grade year until my junior year of high school where I stopped high school courses at AP Calculus. After my junior year I began college mathematics courses. I took Algebra and statistics during my senior year of high school. I have not had a math class outside of the education college since. Currently, I enjoy doing elementary mathematics. I feel that it