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Importance of leadership skills essay
Importance of leadership
The importance of leadership
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Leading change is defined as “the ability to bring about strategic change, both within and outside the organization, to meet organizational goals.” There are six competences in which a city manager candidate must be able to achieve in order to be considered for the new city manager position.
The first competence is to be creative and innovational. The new city manager should provide new insight. He or she will need to have the confidence to question socially accepted approaches and encourage new ideas, as well as implement new or advanced programs and process. The new methods, procedures, and approaches having city-wide impact. Create new performance management evaluation that will measure staff performance is aligned with the city’s vision.
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Foresees a demographic change in society and inaugurates a vision to validity change through the development and application of objectives and most of all a set of priorities. Develops and implements a strategic plan of key goals and intentions for the city as wells as leads the planning team in tackling and outlining the future direction of the city. Review the city’s current core values and mission statements while analysis input from the citizens. Creates and implements a long-term goal for the city to become sustainable and self-sufficient. The ability to capitalize on opportunities offered and manages the possible risk of doing …show more content…
The new city manager must have the ability to anticipate, think critically, interpret, decide and learn. An example of a strategic thinker would be if a major hurricane were to make land fall in the city. He or she would need to anticipate some of the possible concerns of the citizens might have during a major hurricane making land fall in the city. He or she must be able to think critically about how to get information out to citizens as quickly as possible, how to prevent major damage and ways to prevent possible deaths. He or she would need to interpret what is the possible affects of the amount of what that is forecasted during the hurricane. He or she would need to decide what actions must take place to keep the citizens of the city safe, out of harms way and most of informed. Most of all he or she would need to learn from others, such as other employees, local and federal governments as well as the
After reading the case study Welcome to the new town manager, by Mary Jane Kuffner Hirt, I established three major problems the community of Opportunity needed to correct. These problems involved the water & sewer system, the balancing budget, & the pay-as-you-go method. The city manager, Jennifer Holbrook, must implement strategies that would correct these problems quickly.
Dr. Tanisha L. Heaston, principal of Treadwell Elementary talks to me about educational change. In my first meeting and interview with her, she displays many if not all the leadership benchmarks of a Change Master and Facilitator. Defined by McEwan (2003), a Change Master is a highly effective principal who is flexible and futuristic. A realistic leader who is able to both motivate and manage change in an organized, positive, and enduring fashion. As a Change Master, she uses a situational approach since every school community requires somewhat different skills. Dr. Heaston respects change resisters, procures resources for her school, and trusts her teams which aligns with ISLLC Standard Six.
It states that as the job process change a team must be able to change strategy, actions and goals in accordance with it. It is necessary to be able to transcend from one stage to another in other to achieve the groups aim and objectives. (Ancona & Bresman, 2007) p119. These capabilities are central to leadership in the sense that its involves sense making, relating ,visioning and inventing. The sense making entails having knowledge of which the team and members operate. The relating aspect explains developing key relations within the organization and outside the organization. The visioning explains envisioning new ideas and finding creative ways of achieving it. The inventing explains the developing and generating ways to achieve the
Leading Change was named the top management book of the year by Management General. There are three major sections in this book. The first section is ¡§the change of problem and its solution¡¨ ; which discusses why firms fail. The second one is ¡§the eight-stage process¡¨ that deals with methods of performing changes. Lastly, ¡§implications for the twenty-first century¡¨ is discussed as the conclusion. The eight stages of process are as followed: (1) Establishing a sense of urgency. (2) Creating the guiding coalition. (3) Developing a vision and a strategy. (4) Communicating the change of vision. (5) Empowering employees for broad-based action. (6) Generating short-term wins. (7) Consolidating gains and producing more changes. (8) Anchoring new approaches in the culture.
Change is a double-edged sword (Fullan, 2001). Change is a word that might inspire or put fear into people. Leadership is challenging when it comes to dealing with change and how individuals react within the organization to the change. Marzano, McNulty, and Waters (2005) discuss two orders of change in their book School Leadership that Works; first and second. Fullan (2001) also adds to the discussion in his book Leading in a Culture of Change, with regard to understanding change. In Change Leadership, Keagan and Wagner (2006) discuss many factors of change and the systematic approach to change. Change affects people in different ways. Leaders need to be able to respond to the individuals throughout the change process.
Urban planning is an interesting job that is necessary for the function of almost all modern communities. Urban planners work most often for local governments and plan out new developments and means of transportation, devise the most economically profitable and environmentally friendly layouts for buildings and towns, and even plotting out how to make the surrounding environment more aesthetically pleasing (“Urban and Regional Planners.”). Potential candidates for this occupation are almost always required to have skills in areas such as active listening, speaking, reading comprehension, critical thinking, and decision making (“Explore Careers :: Urban and Regional Planners.). It is growing at about an average pace, with a ten percent growth predicted between 2012 and 2022, from the current 38,700 jobs to 42,700. The pay is fairly high, with a national median pay of $65,230. Urban planners usually work normal work hours as well as extra time for meeting with colleagues and teammates. The vast majority of them work in local government, and they work in offices for the planning portion and travel to work sites to see the outcome and evaluate possible decisions. Urban planning is separated in...
Leadership skills are essential for those who wish to lead change in an organisation. According to Kouzes and Posner leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow (2007). How this relationship works can be a determining factor in the success of a project or indeed an organisation. Not everyone is a born leader, but leadership skills can be developed and many theorists have come up with strategies and processes that can be followed to achieve this goal. Kouzes and Posner outlined a very successful 5 step model called the leadership challenge. Their theory is based on many decades of research that discovered that organisations, communities and individuals can and will
At this level in the pipeline the leader must hold a high level of maturity as a leader. This maturity can be characterized by the leader’s ability to have empathy, good judgment and should develop strong listening skills with the ability to interpret all the information they receive (Ram Charan). Additionally, these leaders must be able to see things in the long run as well as appreciate the short term objectives. Moreover, the level of maturity needed at this management level requires the individual to think, not like a functional member of the organization, but as a businessman (Ram Charan). These leaders must view all the decisions they make in a holistic way and seek out a strategic
“Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail” is an article written by John P. Kotter in the Harvard Business Review, which outlines eight critical factors to help leaders successfully transform a business. Since leading requires the ability to influence other people to reach a goal, the leadership needs to take steps to cope with a new, more challenging global market environment. Kotter emphasizes the mistakes corporations make when implementing change and why those efforts create failure; therefore, it is essential that leaders learn to apply change effectively in order for it to be beneficial in the long-term (Kotter).
Her advice for the first time managers would be to have more clarity on the roles and responsibilities and be clear on what is expected out of them. They should hesitate to ask questions with their seniors and during the initial days they could have mentors to learn the nuances of the business. The other key trait is to have clear understanding on the power of delegation and efficiently dealing with uncertain situations.
Competency as a leader, knowing the direction and plan to get everyone there safely and reach the goals set out to reach as an organization, church or ministry is part of the strategic process and helps define what strategic leadership is. As Malphurs states, "The key to strategic planning is competent strategic leadership.” You may develop the finest strategic plan in the history of the church. It may be featured in the major journals on leadership. You might publish it in a book that sells thousands of copies. However, it will not happen without competent, gifted leadership."
Management is a very tough job in today’s world of ambiguity, uncertainty, stiff competition and threatening environment. You have to be mentally and physically very strong to cope up the challenges posed by the current business environment. Following are the most important management skills and qualities needed for a successful manager.
... EVALUATION OF NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REFORMS. International Public Management Review, 34-35. M. Petrescu, e. a. (2010). The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'.
Without leading as well as managing, organizations face many threats. A manager is hired by the organization and is given formal authority to direct the activity of others in fulfilling organizational goals. Thus, leading is a major part of a manager's job. Yet a manager must also plan, organize, and control. Leadership deals with the interpersonal aspects of a manager's job, whereas planning, organizing, and controlling deal with the administrative aspects (Bateman 2004).
The first function of management is planning. Planning is a process that managers use to identify and involve goal setting and decide the best way to achieve the goal.(Bartol 2007) Planning connect the gap between where we do, where we intend to go. It predict the possible things to happen which would not otherwise happen (MSG 2012). There are several steps to the planning process, which are determine the goals of the organisation, evaluate the current position, consider possible future conditions, identify possible alternative actions and choose the best. Planning is the criteria thinking through goals and making decision to achieve the goal of the organisation’s objective, which requires a systematic way. Also objectives focus the managers how to achieve the final result as managers have to predict anything will happen, avoid the problem and fight back to competitors. An example of planning, which is the President Canon Inc Tsuneji Uchida and lead Canon Company become the no.1 in the global business (Canon.Inc 2011). Tsuneji Uchida has to understand what is the company objective and goal. First, make decision to protect the position and the aim of canon, improve the operation more diversity. Second, he creates the new design of camera and new technology, he plan to do these things to maximise profit.