The Impact of Environment on Humans

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“You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back?”(Stone). Our environment affects us all in many different ways, just because we are all human and have different ways of adapting to specific situations, our reactions can be based upon how we were raised we have seen throughout our lives. But it is not arguable that we as intellectual beings adapt, but the next question is where does the border lie between adaptation and submission. There are one million and one ways to raise a child, teach them right from wrong, and expect them to “behave”. But sometimes there are something’s that as a parent you can attempt to control but you just can’t. For example, as a parent you can also try to mitigate the environment to which your family and you are exposed to but once you have seen something it cannot be unseen. Another example is that you can not control the perspective your child has on the world, you can guide him in one direction and one day he or she may and will decide to pave his or her own path from their perspective. “Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature's inexorable imperative”(H.G Wells). This quote simply means that we as humans must find a way to adapt to a situation or we are assured to fail. In the novel Native Son by Richard Wright the main character of the book shows how a person who has been negatively influenced by the environment can react to certain situations. In one scene in the novel we see Bigger helping his employer’s daughter Mary get into bed after her being completely intoxicated. But things take a complet... ... middle of paper ... ...e is not being heard it is because you are not being loud enough. Works Cited H.G. Well In Time. Dir. Andrew Niccol. By Andrew Niccol. Perf. Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. 20 Century Fox. Film. KUO, FRANCES E., and WILLIAM C. Sullivan. "AGGRESSION AND VIOLENCE IN THE INNER CITY Effects of Environment via Mental Fatigue." Sage, 04 Nov. 2001. Web. Maḥfūẓ, Najīb, and Trevor Le Gassick. Midaq Alley. New York: Anchor, 1992. Print. Poe, Edgar A. "The Man of the Crowd." The Man of the Crowd. 1840. Web. 05 May 2014. Savali, Kirsten W. "Sagging Pants: Prison Uniform Represents Wreckage of Black Communities?" Alternet. 17 July 2012. Web. 05 May 2014. Stone. W. Clement Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today. 2nd ed. Hoboken: Routledge, 2006. Print. Wright, Richard. Native Son. New York,: HarperPerennial, 1940. Print.

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