The Holy Spirit: The Three Imponents Of The Holy Spirit

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Chapter 3
Now, we are going to examine the “third person” of the Trinitarian Trinity – The Holy Spirit. Between the three “components” of the godhead, the easiest to comprehend and the least misunderstood is The Holy Spirit. The original “three hypostases “ of God (by hypostases I mean essence) are God the Father, His Word (spoken word), and His (Holy) Spirit (the latter two are Gods inasmuch as they are an integral part of God). So the above with its three dimensions is the one true and eternal God. He was singular; an integer God united in Himself (Oneness Christians believe this) and alone in eternity. We have defined the Father (corresponding roughly to the body). We have defined the Word (corresponding to soul). Now we can define the Holy Spirit (corresponding to spirit). The spirit is a force (as the Jehovah Witnesses and others believe), or power that issues or emanates from the Father. It is the life force of God. It is the essence of God. It is invisible. It doesn’t have a form or shape. The Greek word for spirit is “pneuma” meaning “air”, “breeze”. That is the Holy Spirit. From the three “things” that make up God, the Father is the only
The relationship between father and son is always that of someone higher, to his subordinate. It is never that of equality. The father is always senior to his son AT ALL TIMES! So be it with the Godhead, unless there are other laws governing the fatherhood of the Godhead which are unknown to us. But I don’t think there is any other law because the concept and model of parenthood was given to us by God, who was the first parent! If you are a father, you require respect from your son (Mal. 1:6). That is hardly any relationship of

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