Reiki is a Japan based healing secret that is rapidly recognized worldwide. In early 1900s, Mikao Usui discovered the surreptitious of reiki while he was isolating himself at Mount Kurama in Japan. Afterwards, the healing art of reiki has been scattered over the world as the reiki practitioners are escalating abruptly. In fact, numerous cultures all over the world believe that there are concealed energy flows through all creatures that are connected to the quality of life ever since ancient times. Reiki utilizes specific technique for rejuvenating and balancing the natural life force energy within the body. Reiki symbols have specific frequency that specialize certain condition to sanction the flow of energy throughout the body. The colour and shape of each symbol signify the frequency and amplitude of the energy. The healing power of reiki can be verified by the existence of first degree of reiki and second degree of reiki as well as enhancing the results of medical therapy.
In the beginning, the Reiki practitioner must learn and master the first degree of Reiki or the first stage of Reiki. First degree of Reiki enables poise energy for healing one’s self, others, plants and animal. According to Jentoft (2000), first degree Reiki is activated by the intention that is you intend or spiritually command it to run. This has become feasible after the practitioner receives reiju also known as denju or instigation. In other words, reiju is the part where the practitioner is assisted to the Reiki energy. The practitioner will be taught various hand positions and methods for administering Reiki on the self and others. These hand positions and methods are crucial in order for the practitioners to heal themselves and others. Barrett (n.d...
... middle of paper ... We hope this kind of medication will develope more and be well-known to others as a trusted kind of therapy to heal and augment our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components.
Works Cited
Barrett, S.(n.d). Reiki Is Nonsense. Retrieved 2011, December 8 from
Cougar, P.(n.d). The Usui System of natural healing. Retrieved 2011, December 8 from
Herron, D.(n.d). The Reiki Attunement process. Retrieved 2011, December 8 from
International Center for Reiki Training Web site, (n.d). Experiencing Reiki. Retrieved 2011, December 8 from
Jentoft, P.L.(2000). Usui Reiki contemporary and traditional methods level one manual. Retrieved 2011, December 8 from
Ross defines and differentiates between the terms healing and curing. She recognizes the fact that healing and curing are very intertwined and it can be hard to distinguish between the two terms. There are differences between the definitions in scholarly and general settings. She references an ethnographic study of healing versus curing conducted by anthropologists Andrew Strathern and Pamela Stewart in 1999 with native groups in New Guinea. The results of the study looked at how energy used by the different types of tribal healers to either cure or heal a patient. Eastern medicine focuses on how energy interacts with the healing process in connection within the mind. Whereas Western medicine is focused on the mind and the body separately. The practice is considered a holistic approach to finding cures. According to Ross (2013), healing is more a therapeutic process targeting the whole body and specific illness including emotional, mental, and social aspects in the treatment. The act of curing is a pragmatic approach that focuses on removing the problem all together. The life experiences of a person playing into how well certain treatments will heal or cure what is ailing them. These aspects can not be defined with textbook definitions. The interaction that the healing process has with energy is a variable in the success rate. Uncontrolled emotions can have a greater impact on the inside the body than a person can realize. The exploration of energy interaction within the body can be used for greater analysis of health care systems. (21-22). Are Western healthcare facilities purposely “curing” patients just so that they return are few years later? Is Western Medicine built upon a negative feedback loop? The terminolo...
Anderson et al. (2010) viewed the healing setting as shared beliefs between the client and the practitioner about what healing means (p. 148). They state “the setting in which a treatment occurs imbues the process with power and prestige while simultaneously reminding the participants of the predominant cultural beliefs regarding effective care” (p. 148). In this sense, whatever is acceptable treatment within a specific culture is valid so long as patients believe in the treatment. Thus, what happens in...
The aim of acupuncture to heal explicit pathologies has not been determined but it does reestablish systemic equilibrium to the patient’s reservation of Qi. For the body’s system to be recalibrated with its Qi, needles are implanted at certain meridians in order to
I would like to assert for this paper, as an overview of the whole course, that some kinds of alternative medicine and mental healing do indeed work. The question is, does it have a neurological basis of brain=behavior or is there something more at work like hope or other emotions that are so far intangible in the human brain? Certain things we may never be able to find in the brain, but either way, I would like to assert that even though brain=behavior does account for most behaviors and actions in the body, that there may at least be something more. I will review all the literature I found and let the decision be yours, but also add in my two cents on the total findings for this paper.
Derived from several ancient healing practices, therapeutic touch is based on the theory of human energy fields - every person has an energy field that surrounds the entire body. During therapeutic touch treatment, practitioners use their hands, without actually touching the person, to re-establish a healthy energy flow. Therapeutic touch seeks to restore balance within the body while also stimulating the patient's own healing response. The practice of therapeutic touch is used worldwide in thousands of hospitals, clinics, and private practices. It is an easily learned, successful complement to other healing programs.
Throughout time, mankind has persistently been seeking ways to maintain their health and to cure those that had not been so fortunate in that task. Just about everything has been experimented with as a cure for some type of illness; whether physical, spiritual or mental. There has always been evidence of spiritual healing and it will continue to be an important part of any healing process, large or small.
Mathews, Holly F. "Introduction: A Regional Approach and Multidisciplinary Persepctive." Herbal and Magical Medicine: Traditional Healing Today. Ed. James Kirkland, Holly F. Mathews, C. W. Sullivan, III, and Karen Baldwin. Durham: Duke UP, 1992. 1-13. Print.
Acupuncture originated in China and it has been practice for more than 2000 years now. This modality is considered the main treatment within the traditional Chinese medicine. Its main concept is the conviction that the body possesses hidden channels identified as meridians. These channels allows for the flow of energy which is considered a vital life force through all the body. Acupuncture modality believes that when this energy becomes obstructed or imbalanced, sickness and symptoms can build up. It is only when this energy becomes unblocked by stimulating focal points in the meridians that health can be achieved again (Cherry & Jacob, 2010).
Terrence, Clifford. Diamo Healing: The Buddhist Medicine and Medical Psychiatry of Tibet. Motilal Banarsidass. 2003.
Keeping one’s energy field in balance helps stabilize emotional and physical health between counseling sessions. Healing Touch also offers specific techniques for trauma release, pain relief, deep clearing of the energetic residues of trauma, rebalancing the field, and making transitions such as returning to a normalized healthy life. As issues are brought up in therapy sessions, the energy work in separate sessions can clear and re-balance the energy field. The release of emotions during an energy healing session may include crying, laughter, anger, and/or physical movements. Healing Touch techniques such as Magnetic Clearing can help release the effects of trauma even if an individual is unable to talk about his or her feelings.
There is a total of five steps in the Therapeutic Touch technique. The first step is called centering, which is meditation this is used to make sure that the patient is calm. The second step is assessment, which is where the practitioner moves their hands 2-4 inches over the patient to detect where the patient has an imbalance of energy. Third step is unruffling it’s also called intervention, which is when the practitioner is trying clear the energy flow so it can be symmetric. The forth step is balancing or rebalancing energy, this is when energy is being redirected to where it needs to be. The final step is called evaluation/closure, which is when the practitioner decides when they’re finished, but they usually repeat this process 2-3 times. Usually this process does not involve any type of contact unless the practitioner uses the old form of Therapeutic
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 36:2, 67-68. Simon, D. (2004). The 'Secondary'. Practicing Mind-Body-Soul Medicine. Alternative Therapies, 10:6, 62-68.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is slowly becoming better known all over the world. CAM encompasses various types of therapies, such as yoga, reflexology, chiropractic therapy, herbal therapy, ayurveda, meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. The evidenced-based research, recognition of disconnect between patients and also the positive and negative aspects of CAM modalities are reasons behind the increased attention it has gained in medicals schools all over the United States. (Hart, 2009, p. 287).
...used as a healing aid including relieving stress and anxiety, rebalance the energy in the body, and transform your life.
"Yoga. Mar. 2014: 24-25. pp. 78-78. Print.