Trauma Experience And Healing Experience

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Chapter 11 Trauma: Experience and Healing Trauma Experience The prevalence of trauma of all types is widespread throughout much of the world and includes trauma from accident, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, political conflict, war, or other human struggles. The many faces of bullying, hatred, economic insecurity and oppression (racism, sexism) leave a steady stream of survivors carrying the burdens of fear, anxiety, rage, and physical illness. The effects of trauma on the functioning of the brain is an expanding subject of research and treatment. Trauma can change the chemistry of the brain and disrupt normal human functioning. Information in this section has been taken from the works of Judith Lewis Hermann, MD, Robert Scaer, …show more content…

The results of trauma can be physical, emotional, cognitive, social, economic, and spiritual. The impact of trauma is layered in the neurological and endocrine system, affecting all parts of the body and mind. Life force energy can become blocked. There might be physical injury as well as chronic pain syndromes or immune problems that occur from long term stress. Emotions or unmet needs can become stuck, leaving the person trapped in patterns of thought, emotion, or behavior. Trauma also makes individuals more vulnerable to further stressors. Intergenerational trauma occurs when the unresolved and unhealed trauma of one generation is passed to the next generation. For example, traumatized individuals who become parents may have poor coping skills and other symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which can have adverse effects on their children. Certain molecules that attach to DNA during trauma can also transmit the effects of trauma to the next generation biochemically. Shared experience of being victimized by racism and/or other oppressions and socio-cultural disadvantages increases the likelihood of intergenerational trauma …show more content…

Keeping one’s energy field in balance helps stabilize emotional and physical health between counseling sessions. Healing Touch also offers specific techniques for trauma release, pain relief, deep clearing of the energetic residues of trauma, rebalancing the field, and making transitions such as returning to a normalized healthy life. As issues are brought up in therapy sessions, the energy work in separate sessions can clear and re-balance the energy field. The release of emotions during an energy healing session may include crying, laughter, anger, and/or physical movements. Healing Touch techniques such as Magnetic Clearing can help release the effects of trauma even if an individual is unable to talk about his or her feelings. Some clients who have experienced trauma are particularly sensitive to issues related to touch and loss of control. Healing Touch treatments can be done without physical contact and provides the client with a choice about when and how much touch is

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