Experience A Traumatic Experience

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“26% of U.S. children will experience a traumatic event before they reach the age of four. More than 66% of U.S. children will experience a traumatic event by the time they reach the age of sixteen.” Many people believe that trauma is an experience when in reality trauma is a response, as for complex trauma, complex trauma is the effect of multiple long-term events. Many people do not think about how complex trauma effects a child in the classroom, but if a child is starving, or moving from home to home, or in a situation of abuse, there is a good chance that their spelling words and math facts are not going to be the first thing on their minds during the day. Growing up I had a house, a mom, a dad and an older brother. I could show a family photo in class and pretend everything was perfect. What the photos did not show however was the fact that my mom was going to school and trying to work nights, that my dad was an alcoholic, or that my much older brother who when not in juvie was severely mentally ill …show more content…

My dad walked over to the coach who I had barely just met, and pretty much let her know, “She’s on the team? She’s your problem now.” She said, “Ok” and quickly became everything to me. I remember one morning, she pulled me out of computer class where I was busy throwing paper balls at the long term substitute, I had not shown up to the track meet the night before and she wanted to know what had happened, we sat on the stairs and talked, and then she held me as I sobbed. I was tired of fighting and I was exhausted. She’s the reason I made it out of high school alive, she’s the reason I decided to continue my schooling and go to college. Last year I made her a happy teacher appreciation/happy belated birthday/happy early Mother’s Day card, she’s still the one I go to when I’m really upset or really excited about

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