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The role of ethics, values and norms in an organization
Values across culture
Values across culture
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The Effects of Values on Decision Making
The purpose of this paper is to examine how personal, organizational, and cultural values affect decision making in my personal and professional life. My cultural, organizational and personal values represent my beliefs and traditions of my cultural environment. Through my research, I examined values and based them on how important they are within my personal, organizational, work, and cultural lifestyle. Based on the research, I came to the conclusion knowing the foundational elements of individual behavior can be very rewarding. Values do not act individually, but also relate with other values as well. The dynamic between individual values is almost as important as the values themselves. From what I learned between research and experience, values influence choices and provide framework for life goals. They are largely culturally oriented, and are formed through the example of others. I reviewed many articles from the University Library which included knowledgeable information. My main objective was to research and gather as much information, to get a better understanding and to implement the importance of values, and the effects values on individuals.
Values may be viewed as individual sets of rules by which people live and are governed. They serve as a cornerstone for beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Cultural values therefore have a pervasive and profound influence on the individual. Values are a universal feature of all cultures, although, the types and expression of values differ widely. Values are learned during childhood along with suitable behavior that reflects them. Personal values change over time just as organizational values need to, because the environment people live and work in is changing. Values are energizing, motivating and inspiring. When people care passionate about something they will urge themselves with great achievement. My personal values affect my way of thinking at work and at home. A value is a belief, a mission or philoshy that is really meaningful to a person (Nonis,2001).
Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a number of personal values. My personal values range from a belief in hard work, self reliance, and punctuality, concerns for others, and trust in others as well. My personal values have
propelled me to great success and achievement n...
... middle of paper ...
...pted set of values, ideals, goals
and standards are part of culture. Being brought up by Italian parents, their culture and beliefs are different than American culture, values and beliefs. My parents put fourth
their culture within me which formed my way of thinking. Whether it?s eating the seven fishes on Christmas Eve, or celebrating the saint days, there Italian culture is now part of me and will be part of my own family someday.
Jaffe, Dennis, T (1998, March). Training & Development: How to link personal values with team values. V52, n3, p24(7).
Finegan, Joan. E. (2000). The impact of person and organizational values on organizational commitment. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, British Psychological Society i2 p149.
Articulo, Archimedes (2002) ?The Workplace Values And The Virtue Of Labor? Department of Political Science and Philosophy.
Sessa, Valerie. (Summer 2002). Researching Organizational Values and Belief. (book review)
Personal Psychology. V55, i2,p537 (3).
Nonis, Sarath. (2001). Personal Value profiles and Ethical Business Decisions. Journal of Education for Business, vol.76, Issue5,p251, 6p.
Which one is most important; our personal values or someone else's values? I think that my personal values are very important for me, and I should not be influenced by other unless I have the same feelings or beliefs. There is a huge difference between both stories; however, they have some common conflicts.
Everyone has their own personal values that the gain throughout their lives. Some of these values are passed down through the different generations of their family. Values can change over time and some people learn more values as they grow up. I personally have gained a range of different values in the past eighteen years of my life. My own values include: respect, honesty, empathy and trust. I gained the value of respect through my parents as I was always told to show respect to others and they would then show me respect back. When I was really young I had to respect other people’s things and their feelings. Through my parents I was brought up to believe that it is always better to be honest and tell the truth about everything. I feel that
I have a long list of values that I find very important to me, but there is a few that stand out the most. Those values are family, friendship, hard work, responsibility, respectfulness, independence, equality, and honesty. My personal values are extremely important
By definition, a value is something that you hold in high regard, something that is of vast importance to you and fundamentally influences your principles and standard of behavior toward others. At times, I have felt challenged to pinpoint my exact values considering it can be somewhat difficult to step outside of oneself to assess what is important to you at your actual core, other than the most obvious ones. The most obvious value would be the parenting I use with my daughter, as this to me, is the utmost importance. Shaping a child to develop into a thoughtful, accepting, and subjectively respectable adult, while also trying not to impose your own beliefs on them is not a simple task. Nevertheless, it is one that I cherish wholeheartedly,
Allen,N.J. and Meyer, J.P. (1990) `The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization' Journal of occupational Psychology in L. Fulop and S. Linstead, Management: A Critical Text, Macmillan, South Yarra, 1999, pp 259
Every individual has certain values and ethics that he/she stands by. Values give us a sense of what is important while ethics gives us a sense of what is right and wrong. Together, these qualities help guide us through our everyday life: what actions to take and what decision to make. Sticking to ethical standards allows you to stay clear of trouble; therefore, strengthening people’s trust in you. In return, this leads to gaining people’s respect and cooperation, which may result in leadership responsibilities. Therefore, we believe that personal values and ethics will affect a person’s career success. However, there are times where individuals will make unethical choices--some situations might question your resolve. This can be caused by
Values, although tend to be stable, they can be changed or can be developed because values have cognitive, affective and behavioural components (Baillie & Black, 2015). Potter and Perry (2014) added that values influence behaviour basing on a conviction that a certain action is right depending on the given circumstances. Culture, society and personality were identified by Rokeach (1973, as cited in Baillie & Black, 2015) as key precedent of human values. Furthermore, as a person becomes more aware of and reflective about him/herself, he/she can consider to change his/her value set and will also result in modifying his/her attitudes and behaviour. By understanding one’s own personal values, he or she will become sensitive to the values of others. Values are important in nursing and health care as they strengthen all aspects of professional practice, including decision-making (Baillie & Black, 2015). The key factors influencing values in nursing include professional education, training and
The values that impact my decisions include: accountability, truth, honor, spirituality, reliability, kindness, ambition, family and compassion just to name a few. My grandfather was a successful business man in the 1930’s through 1980’s. He was a firm believer that you are only as good as your word. He did business with a hand shake and a smile. Teaching his grandchildren that if a man’s word is of no value, neither is he. Furthermore, he taught us the importance of sticking with your fundamental beliefs and principals. The value that is non-negotiable in my life is integrity. I believe it is important to be ethical, honest, truthful, reliably and trustworthy in every aspect of life. I am inspired and driven professionally by compassion, kindness and a belief in healing those that are
Values remind me of ethics and morals, necessary in any walk of life and imperative in the work place. These concepts are guidelines in which employees need to follow to be successful. “Values represent basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.” (Robbins, 136) Integrity, courage, service, wisdom, respect and goal setting are a few of the values that are most crucial to me and what I hope to achieve within any work place setting. Values should be lived every day in the work place and should exemplify the
Kumar, N. (2012). Relationship of Personal and Organizational Values with Job Satisfaction. Journal of Management Research , 12 (2), 80.
Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1997). Commitment in the workplace: Theory, research, and application. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
During everyone 's lifetime, there is always something we hold closest to our hearts; it maybe our principles we live by, values, and even our own beliefs. Values are those things that are very important to us but never really realize how much we actually value them in our life. Have you ever been asked to define three of your main values and rip them up? I have and I never noticed how much they meant to me. Each and every one of us believes in our own personal values. These values are what gives us strength and strive us to do what makes us happy. These values are very important to us and are standards that we live by whether we realize it or not. Everyone has something we value including me. Some of the values I might think highly of,
“Values are the beliefs of an individual, group, or organization, in which they are emotionally invested” (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2015). Many organizations consider corporate values strategically import for building their company’s reputation and keeping the customers’ confidence and allegiance. That, however, is only a tiny portion of the strategic benefits that organizational values can offer. “Further benefits include:guidance for decision-making on all levels, selection criterion for new employees, driver for individual and corporate behavior on all levels supporting the vision, mission, and goals of the company, and effective definition and implementation of core values” (Gupta, 2015). Values within a company need to be more than just a few words that sound nice to ensure overall acceptance within an organization. “Effective core values need to be emotionally appealing and workable” (Gupta,
Understanding who we are as individuals can be a struggle for people throughout life. It can be difficult to comprehend who we are and why we exist. There are daily outside influences that help create who we are and what our values are. Values play a significant role in our lives. They shape the choices we make and reveal a big part of our identity to the world. Some values may be more important than others, but they still manage to influence our lives in one way or another, whether we know it or not. Values can range from a tangible item to an idea that has influenced us to stand by and remember those values. The values we hold with the highest importance act as a guide and help us prioritize our purpose and goals in our daily life. My family has taught me a list of values and traits that have helped me become a well-rounded individual. I value my family more than anything because most of my core inner values have started from their teachings at one point or another. My top values that I have developed from my family are dedication, honesty, and wisdom. I will discuss who I am in terms of the important values that shape my personal belief system and decision making framework that, in essence, describes the direction of my life.