Management control strategy is not a one dimensional formulae of labour controlling, other than controlling employees, it is also about exploiting employees' discretionary effort and creativity as a prime interest. In the Webboys article, Barrett (2004: 787) demonstrated how different strategies have been manipulated separately and simultaneously to control the labour process of developing primary software. This essay is going to investigate various directions of management strategies, which incorporate with radical approaches of control in response to the dilemma between offset the notions between "direct control" and "responsible autonomy dichotomy" (Friedman in Barrett 2004: 38). Based on the argument that there is "no best way" (Hyman in Barrett 2004: 38) of management strategies, which Barret contend in the Webboyz case study. This essay is concerned that autonomy can never be fully implemented without direct control. Furthermore, we can never separate the various management strategies fads with their perpetual aim- controlling employees to achieve the best result. I will examine the particular approaches of classical scientific management has been applied to the fast food industry, in terms of controlling by financial incentives, rigid task design. Therefore, team is sought to be a "substitute for a more indirect forms of integration and supervision."(Fulop and Linstead1999:220)
I will discuss different perspective of team in regards of providing autonomy to employees which "empowers" them in order to achieve the most effective outcome. Moreover, further discussions of general problems of teamwork in the call centre industry, and various managerial concerns in regards to normative approach would be exa...
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... Shop Management,revised 1947 and republished 1964 as scientific Managament,New York: Harper and Row 1903
Kirkman, B.L. and Sahpiro, D.L (1997) `The impact of cultural values on employee resistance to teams: Toward a model of globalised self-managing work team effectiveness", Academy of Management Review in L. Fulop and S. Linstead, Management: A Critical Text, Macmillan, South Yarra, 1999, pp244
Allen,N.J. and Meyer, J.P. (1990) `The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization' Journal of occupational Psychology in L. Fulop and S. Linstead, Management: A Critical Text, Macmillan, South Yarra, 1999, pp 259
Davis, J.H, Schooram, F.D. and Donaldson, L.(1997) `Towards a stewardship theory of management Studies34 in L. Fulop and S. Linstead, Management: A Critical Text, Macmillan, South Yarra, 1999, p277
... Factors affecting employees’ organizational commitment–a study of banking staff in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Journal of Advanced Management Science 2(1), 7-11
Moreover, the company has placed great significance on open and honest communications with the employees on many levels. Even more, leadership expected a plan that would utilize all human assets in a way that would support the organization’s attitude in servicing customers and employees. As such, they found it important to centralize the staffing initiative in order to maintain the unique corporate culture created in the beginning. Every one of these strategies would be focused on centralizing staffing, brining in the best possible employees, and retaining each on a high
There are four most common forms of teams you are likely to find in an organization. The first type of team is the problem solving teams, this team will meet each other every week to discuss on how they will improve work process and their methodology. They will create a very innovative solution but they will still keep looking for a problem to go with it. The second type of teams is the self-managed teams, composed of 10-15 employees who perform highly related on interdependent jobs and take on many responsibilities of their former supervisors. This team leads to a system where there is a mutual responsibility among the members. Self-managed teams’ responsibilities include collective control over the pace of work, determination of work assignments, Organization of breaks and collective choice of inspection procedures used. Self-managed teams select their own members, and the members evaluate each other’s performance.
Triandis, H., & Wasti, S. (2008). Culture. In D. Stone, & E. Stone-Romeo, The influence of culture on human resource management processes and practices (pp. 1-24). Psychology Press
Robbins, S.P., & Coulter, M. (2009). Management (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Robbins, S. P., & Coulter. M. (2014). Management (12th ed.). Retrieved from: Colorado Technical University eBook Collection database.
... Vandenberghe, C. (2004). Employee commitment and motivation: A conceptual analysis and integrative model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(6), 991-1007. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.89.6.991
Miles, R. (1975) Theories of Management: Implications for Organisational Behaviour and Development. McGraw-Hill, New York.
There are several theories that examine an organization and it’s approach to managing work in an effort to develop efficiency and increase production. Two classical approaches to management are Taylor’s scientific management theory and Weber's bureaucratic management theory. Both men are considered pioneers of in the study of management.
According to Robbins, DeCenzo, and Coulter (2011) “motivation is the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal” (p. 267). Organizations are always looking for new ways to motivate employees. In a global economy it is important to understand that cultural differences can impact how an organization can motivate its employees. Geert Hofstede (as cited in Sledge, Miles, & Coppage, 2008) believed there are five dimensions of culture. These five dimensions are power distance, individualism versus collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity versus femininity, and Confucian dynamism (p. 1670). This paper will discuss each dimension of culture and how they could effect employee motivation.
Teamwork is one of the important component that is required in any types of business organization . Team is defines as “a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to the common purpose, performance goal, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable”(katzenbach and Smith 1993) . Teamwork offer numbers of advantages like in teamwork work are completed earlier because large task are divided into smaller projects and then it find out an individual who is best for doing the jobs. Tasks that are smaller in size also need less time and brainpower then the work is less sporting to the people who are working. Teamwork also helps in combing the unique skills of people and makes them work efficiently. In a teamwork strength of different people are combined for the benefit of entire team and to produce better product and teamwork also help in building the unity among the group member .In a teamwork relationship play an important role because it helps people to communicate properly with one another whereas friendship helps in creating a job satisfaction. Support system is also important because if support system will be stronger than people will be comfortably depend on each other. These are the advantage of the teamwork but in teamwork there are also disadvantage like in teamwork there is an uneven participation of the members because they depend on other for doing the majority of work this can lead to hatred in the workplace. In a teamwork everyone is not team player, as they cannot perform well while team is working because they want to do there own so they might face problems to get fitted in a certain work culture, which will result in displeasure. In teamwork there is less creativity among th...
Teamwork is one of the important component that is required in any types of business organization . Team is defines as “a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to the common purpose, performance goal, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable”(katzenbach and Smith 1993) . Teamwork offer numbers of advantages like in teamwork work are completed earlier because large task are divided into smaller projects and then it find out an individual who is best for doing the jobs. Tasks that are smaller in size also need less time and brainpower then the work is less sporting to the people who are working. Teamwork also helps in combing the unique skills of people and makes them work efficiently. In a teamwork strength of different people are combined for the benefit of entire team and to produce better product and teamwork also help in building the unity among the group member .In a teamwork relationship play an important role because it helps people to communicate properly with one another whereas friendship helps in creating a job satisfaction. Support system is also important because if support system will be stronger than people will be comfortably depend on each other. These are the advantage of the teamwork but in teamwork there are also disadvantage like in teamwork there is an uneven participation of the members because they depend on other for doing the majority of work this can lead to hatred in the workplace. In a teamwork everyone is not team player, as they cannot perform well while team is working because they want to do their own so they might face problems to get fitted in a certain work culture, which will result in displeasure. In teamwork there is less creativity among th...
4. Kinicki, Angelo, Williams, Brian Management, a practical introduction, Second Edition. New York, New York, McGraw-Hill 2006/2003
The rapid progression and improvement in information and communication technology has led to modern organisation finding new ways to work. One of these innovation ways is using work group. More organisations are now becoming global than ever, which means they rely on distributed teams to carry out certain tasks (Nedelko, Z, 2007). Although now a days most jobs require a degree of individual and group work and it is left to the management to identify which method might be appropriate for the task (Belbin, M, 2007). In this essay I will be looking at how organisation can use work group to their advantage, and the different factors that can affect a work group’s performance. In addition, I will also be discussing when is it appropriate to use work group and individual, and discus whether an organisation can reply solely on work group to be for it to be successful.
yes but the level appears that the level of satisfaction from employees with their place of employment seem to be dropping because of pay and promotion. Pay and Promotion are some of the major factors when an employee becomes unsatisfied with their position at their place of employment. Many employers are expecting more work from employees and are not being valued with more money or a more value based title. This is where Organizational commitment falls in an employee may feel the need to be committed to an organization based on the employee’s attachment to the place of employment. Many places of employment are now trying to see how they can better their place of employment for employees in order for them to be more committed to the organization. At my job we now have employment satisfaction surveys that come out every six months for employees. In these surveys the employee must answer a series of questions pertaining to how they feel about the job and its environment. This is an excellent way for the employees to voice their concerns as well as have the company listen to their concerns. This was also seen in the textbook and explained, Effective commitment is an emotional attachment to the organization and a belief in its values; while she disliked the job for whatever reasons, she did like her coworkers and had formed genuine friendships, so it was harder for her to exit because she had an emotional attachment to the