David Sedaris Shooting An Elephant

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Which one is most important; our personal values or someone else's values? I think that my personal values are very important for me, and I should not be influenced by other unless I have the same feelings or beliefs. There is a huge difference between both stories; however, they have some common conflicts. Both of the essays stories take place in the foreign countries and the main characters of the story talk about one of their life experiences. As a foreigner, they have faced some unexpected situations. The main problem for police officer in “Shooting an Elephant” was maintaining his power for the position. Similarly, David Sedaris had faced a problem to communicate with other people in French. David Sedaris said that " If someone asked The police officer did not want to kill the elephant; however, he did it. According to George Orwell "I often wondered whether any of the others that I had done it solely to avoid looking fool" he wanted to keep his power and position, he wanted to fulfill the native Indians' expectations, but he lost his moral values. Similarly, David Sedaris wanted to learn the French language that is why he chose to leave his own country and culture. It was so difficult for him to adjust to a different culture, but he tried his best. He wanted to learn a new language, so he had to sacrifice some freedom to fulfill his goal. I think people sacrifices something to go fulfill their dreams. I would like to share one of my memories that remains me one of my own sacrifices. After receiving my high school diploma, I wanted to go to the best university in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, I lived in a small town; therefore, if I wanted to get admission to a good academic school, I had to leave my family, my own bedroom, and my all belongings. It is not possible to have all the things together in anyone's life. However, it is our duty to make the right decision at the right time. In George Orwell's essay, I totally disagree with the police officer's thoughts. He knew that he was wrong, but he killed the elephant to fulfill others' In my opinion, to be social is a good thing for every human. However, sometimes society becomes more dangerous for us when it tries to kill our own morality. The police officer was influenced by other people to kill the elephant and it made him feel guilty. However, David Sedaris forged ahead by himself and finally, he understood the French language and he felt proud of himself. Both characters were under pressure in their situations, but at the end the police officer was unhappy and David Sedaris was happy. Therefore, it is very important what we like to do, not what others demand. Everybody should respect their own personal

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