The Effects of Urbanization

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Urbanization is the gradual constant increase in the population of people in urban areas or rather cities. Urbanization is mostly associated with the rural-urban migration phenomenon that takes place when people move in large numbers from rural areas into urban areas in order to seek a better life quality (R.Faridi, 2012) (Tellnes P, 2014). As much as that can be said it is the only way that the population increases, people may also move from other their own urban areas to other more urbanized areas if they chose to do so. In its initial phase, urbanization was mostly influenced by people wanting better jobs than those they had on the country side, so people moved to more modernized places as agriculture was now being less common and a more technological world was emerging, so they moved to urban area for that reason and mostly better wage salaries(R.Faridi, 2012).
In the early years, urbanization was happening mostly in the capital cities of the country or province as they were the areas that were being modernized faster than the other places, and this was because when people visit an area they first set foot on the capital of that area as it serves as the main attraction before other areas. But as we know now that you get areas that are more urbanized than their own capitals and this is the due to others offering more resources and more diverse living standards (Davis, 1955)(R.Faridi, 2012). A country is said to be urbanized when over half of its population is living in urban environments. European or rather developed countries were the first to be urbanized but in recent years developing countries are get more and more urbanized and having more of it people living in urban areas (R.Faridi, 2012).

Effects of Urba...

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