The Digital Revolution And Schooling In America

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Book Review: Rethinkng Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America

Alison Shrive

Many people are questioning our educational system and wondering what direction it is going. Long gone are the days where there were just private and public schools, parents now have options. Some of the changes in education are the educational options, state testing, curriculum and technology. Allan Collins and Richard Halverson’s (2009) Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America have presented a variety of viewpoints in regards to the future of technology in education and how education must change, or our schools are going to be left behind. While reading I begin to …show more content…

Technological advances are already happening all over the world, even if the school is resistant to the changes. Collins and Halverson believe “as a society, we need to understand how new technologies turn kids and adults on to learning, in order redesign our learning environments to provide positive motivational experiences for all” (p. 133). When stakeholders of a school schoolsite are resistant to change, the students are the ones missing out on learning experiences. Our educational leaders must rethink what knowledge and skills are critical for our youth, in order for them to become valuable contributors to …show more content…

As Collins and Halverson (2009) focuses on the history of education and currently where we could go with education and technology. One thing I do believe the book lacks is suggestions on how we can improve education and support every child. In the article, Technology in Education, it touches on the importance of technology infrastructure, research, E-learning, mobile computing, social networking and how they are creating advances, opportunities, as well as difficulties in education and how we can reach each individual. Not one child learns the same, and we must modify our teaching strategies to the individual rather than the individual adapting to the teacher. Overall, I do believe Collins and Halverson give supporting details to past models of education and make it clear that education is not going to be staying the same. Our society must accept and support these advances in technology and education. Government agencies and administrators must work together to create educational opportunities that supports all types of learners and learning

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