The Coon: A Short Story

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Regaining my consciousness, I opened my eyes only to catch sight of the blurry shadow of a group of men huddling around me. I heard whispers and voices, none of which I could comprehend. Gradually, I pulled myself to my feet. Walking up to me, Mr. Benson apologized sincerely, “Son, I am sorry. I did not mean for you to interpret it that way. Actually, your dogs are alive and well.” Giving commands, Mr. Kyle ordered several men to build a stretcher for Grandpa and bring him to the doctor, while the rest of us would search for my dogs. Leading the way, Mr. Benson explained, “Soon, we will be able to hear the cries of your dogs; ‘they have the coon treed in a big black gum tree. You’re going to see a sight. Now I mean a sight. They’ve walked a ring …show more content…

Fueled with bold determination, Little Ann lunged at the coon and slashed at this back. Caught off guard, the coon started running toward the tree. However, it was too late; my Little Ann had already sank her sharp teeth into the coon’s neck. Knowing the fight had ended, Papa and I skinned the coon. As I walked back to the camp, many coon hunters crowded around me. Then, the hunter who had collected the jackpot money stepped forward and spoke to me as he placed the box in my hand, “Here, this three hundred dollars, it is all yours. You have worked hard and earned it. Have pride in yourself.” “Turning to the crowd, he [declared], ‘Fellows, I can always say this. On this hunt, I have seen two of the finest little coon hounds I ever hope to see.’ There was a roar of approval from the crowd”(Rawls 215). Gently removing the lid of the box, I looked inside to the see that the box was filled to the rim. “I was shaking all over. I tried to say, “Thanks,” but it was only a whisper. As I handed the box to my father, I saw a surprised look on face, and he turned to look at Little

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