The Crossing By Cormac Mccarthy

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It is often said that a dog is a man’s best friend. In Cormac McCarthy’s novel, The Crossing, a deep affection and fondness are established between man and animal. In a particular excerpt from the novel, Cormac illustrates the protagonist’s sorrow that was prompted from the wolf’s tragic death. As blood stiffens his trousers, the main character seeks to overcome the cold weather and fatigue with hopes of finding the perfect burial site for the wolf. McCarthy uses detailed descriptions and terminology in his novel, The Crossing, to convey the impact of the wolf’s death on the protagonist, a sad experience incorporated with religious allusions and made unique by the main character’s point of view.
Through powerful visuals and specific vocabulary, Cormac thoroughly portrays the main character’s sorrow that was prompted by the loss of the animal he highly respects. The protagonist seeks to find a suitable burial site for the wolf, hoping to uncover and reveal the perfect place from Night’s blanket of darkness. Detailed descriptions establish a sense of deep respect as the main character “cradled the wolf in his arms and lowered her to the ground and unfolded he sheet. She was stiff and cold and her fur was bristly with the blood dried upon it” (McCarthy 5-8). The main character’s actions reveal great care and love for the wolf. It is difficult for an individual to cope with the death of an animal he/she places high regard for. Although wolves are often seen as brutal and deadly animals, McCarthy uses elaborate details to portray wolves as majestic and brave creatures. Such contrast is also achieved through a precise use of diction. He touches the “cold and perfect teeth”. The wolf’s “eye turned to the fire gave no light,” until the ...

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...f’s majestic qualities and unsurpassable beauty.
McCarthy uses detailed descriptions, creates a somber mood through religious references, and elucidates upon the main character’s perspective to convey the impact of the experience on the protagonist. His actions reveal significant care and respect for the animal, as it seems difficult for the protagonist to cope with the loss of such a great creature. McCarthy portrays the wolf through an uncommon perspective; a frightful and beastly creature is transformed into a magnificent and bold animal. The wolf is pictured as an animal destined for honor and high admiration through its spiritual characteristics. Emphasis on the wolf’s positive qualities reveals human beings’ tendency to ignore the favorable characteristics of an individual or animal. Human beings commonly disregard the inner beauty all creatures possess.

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