The Color Purple as an Optimistic Novel

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The Color Purple as an Optimistic Novel

The book brings up issues which can be viewed as ether as optimistic

or pessimistic.

These are often topics which arise through conflict, some of the

conflicts that I will talk about in this essay are: the relationship

between men and women, black people and white people and the

relationship between Africa and America. I will use these to try and

determine how optimistic "The Color Purple" is

The book shows optimism towards the finding, and keeping of the black

cultural identity. Throughout the book yams are mentioned both in

Africaand hidden in the food of young Eleanor Jane. The yam is a

symbol of black identity and even though the blacks are no longer in

their homeland they still eat their traditional food. Although they

eat the yam based food they have lost a lot of their black roots but

the book shows how they can very easily be found again, this is shown

in the letters to and from Celie. So this shows "the color purple" in

an optimistic light.

The use of an authentic black voice is optimistic. The book is an

epistolary, and the letters in the book are written in the way the

characters would speak. Words are abbreviated and the sentences are

usually very short. The vocabulary is often limited although the

thoughts of the characters are often complicated. Phonetic spelling is

also used for example "kilt" (killed) and "yawl" (you all), the

grammar used in the book is often unconventional for example "us

surrounded". All the things in the list above makes "the color purple"

a book of authentic black voice. This voice makes "the color purple"

optimistic as it shows that a diary can be make and written in 1930s


The image of a non segregated Africa is optimistic. When Nettie goes

to Africa with the missionaries and she sees the Olinka tribe that she

stays with has no racial segregation she is amazed. This area with no

segregation is due to the fact the population of Africa is made up of

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