Analysis Of The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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Title: The Color Purple
Author: Alice Walker
Genre: Historical Fiction
Period of History: 1910-1940

The author and his/her times:
Alice Walker was born on February 9th 1944 and was born in Eatonton GA. She is the author of the novel, The Color Purple and was an American author, poet and self-activist. Also Alice Malsenior Walker is still living today and is currently 69 years old. Alice Walker was married to Melvin Leventhal and they were married to each other in 1967 and separated in 1977. Walker was the youngest in her family held with eight children and her parents were Tallulah Grant and Willie Lee Walker, who were sharecroppers. Then in 1961 Alice Walker left Eatonton for Spelman college, a prominent school for black women in Atlanta, on a state scholarship (Biography of Alice Walker). Furthermore she then transferred to Sarah Lawrence College in New York, and studied the involvement in civil rights.
Alice Walker was influenced to write this novel throughout her whole life. Walker had a connection with the characters Celie and Nettie, because she was mistreated like Celie and hardworking like Nettie. Also it inspired her to write the novel “The Color Purple”, because she studied civil rights. Also she got invited to the home of Martin Luther King Jr. Walker then worked for the New York City Department of Welfare. More so two years after receiving her B.A. degree from Sarah Lawrence she became a civil rights attorney. The story was a reflection on everything she learned throughout her literary career (Wikipedia On Alice Walker). One of Walker quotes stated, “One thing I try to have in my life and my fiction is an awareness off and openness to mystery, which to me, is deeper than any politics, race, or geographical loca...

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...away to Africa she becomes the nanny of Celie kids and at the ending they get reunited with their mother. So through all this it shows that god can work through mysterious ways and make anything happen.

Research/ literary criticism:
My reaction to this article was quiet agreeing. I agreed with many things stated in this article, the article explained the story exactly right. For example when it states the relationship between Shug and Celie because Shug was always there for Celie. The article did a really good job explaining the novel and gave a really good report. (The New York Times).

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