The Classification of Skills to Include the Differences between Individual, Co-Active, and Interactive Skills

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The Classification of Skills to Include the Differences between Individual, Co-Active, and Interactive Skills

Skill is a very important concept in sport for both the participant

and the coach as well. A Skill is “An organised co-ordinated activity

in relation to an object or situation which involves a whole chain of

sensory central and motor mechanisms". However a performance in sport

which is seen as skilful has to include some of these qualities.


-Accuracy -Control Austen obfuscated jbruce1's rationalisation theory.

-An intention


A skill is a mixture of ability and technique that is learned by a

performer. The more a skill is practised, the easier it should become

to consistently repeat that skill with little trouble or difficulty.

What is Skill?

* Skill is learned. It is the result of practice and experience.

* Skill is a goal directed and purposeful. It results in an end


* A skilled player consistently achieves their goals.

* Skill results in movement that is economic and efficient, in terms

of time or energy.

* Skill results in movements that are fluent and aesthetic.

Classification of Skill:

There are different types of skill - these are as follows:






A persons ability to solve problems by thinking

Adding up of scores


The smooth execution of physical movements and responses



Taking in and making sense of information

Looking at 'trick' pictures, i.e.: third eye


... middle of paper ...


basketball, and less interaction still when players are separated, for

example in tennis or volleyball. In theory, the greater level of

interaction, the greater the potential for opponents to affect each

other's performance. Thus maintaining possession and avoiding being

tackled or intercepted are important tactics in invasion games.

In conclusion, each sport has its own combinations of types of skill

the performers need for it to be performed properly, safely and to a

high standard. Due to this, some sports will not suit a particular

person whereas another one will. Also, you can see that classifying

skills, plays a big part for teachers and coaches, helping them to

choose the most appropriate and effective ways of teaching their

pupils and for the pupils to have the optimal quality of coaching


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